Difference between pg-promise 'duration' and execution time in EXPLAIN ANALYSE of postgres?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-25 07:13:35


I am using 'duration' property from data object of 'result' function to measure the duration of execution of my query.

I tried the same query in pgAdmin with "EXPLAIN ANALYSE".

Both have a big difference.

can anyone say why is this?

which is the right approach to measure the execution duration of my query.


EXPLAIN ANALYSE is a performance perspective internal to the server only.

duration provided by method result of pg-promise includes:

  • preparing the query for execution
  • sending the query into the server
  • receiving and parsing the query by the server
  • executing the query (your EXPLAIN ANALYSE duration)
  • serializing the data and sending the response back
  • receiving data by the client
  • deserializing and converting data into JSON
  • notifying your code about the data

That's where the difference comes from.

