What are good ways to get all zipcodes/postal codes within a city?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-24 17:53:23


Now I know using Geocomplete I can get city,state postal codes and lot other info.How can I get all postal codes / zipcodes within a city.Like this one I found here.Can I get it from geocomplete or should I query it from a geoip database like Maxmind?


i work here boundaries-io.com I think this is what you need it uses US Census as repository: US Zipcode Boundaries API: https://www.mashape.com/vanitysoft/boundaries-io

Above API shows US Boundaries(GeoJson) by zipcode,city, and state. you should use the API programatically to handle large results.

for example:


concept name Reverse Geocoding :-

here you can get the total address along with postal code also:-

places.getDetails( request_details, function(results_details, status){

            // Check if the Service is OK
            if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {                  

                places_postal           = results_details.address_components
                places_phone            = results_details.formatted_phone_number
                places_phone_int        = results_details.international_phone_number
                places_format_address   = results_details.formatted_address
                places_google_url       = results_details.url
                places_website          = results_details.website
                places_rating           = results_details.rating

                for (var i = 0; i < places_postal.length; i++ ) {
                    if (places_postal[i].types == "postal_code" && ){


Example directly from Google

and for retrieving Zip-code

var address = results[0].address_components;
var zipcode = address[address.length - 1].long_name;


There are a variety of sources. The US Postal Service is the authority on this. Unfortunately you have to buy the database. You can get FREE list of zips in a city from USPS through an online interactive form, one city at a time!


There are other FREE services. These are based on the US Census 2010 ZCTAs. These approximate zip code boundaries for census purposes, but are not a 100% match. Maxmind does not provide a free database anymore. Geonames does. You would have to read up on how complete and accurate it is.


I've worked in the past with these things.

[ADDED] To anybody interested, I made a (FREE) CSV file of approxiamately all USPS postal codes with their corresponding cities and lat/lng. As many would understand, the USPS dataset is copyrighted and the free ZCTA data from the US Census is an approximation.

I decided to use the following method to reverse build nearly the entire set. I got the US Department of Educations NCES dataset on all schools in the United States (103K schools), and figure that 99% of postal codes would have at least on school. I used the address information to build a unique set of postal codes to cities. Statistics wise, there are approxiametely 41.5K unique postal codes. My list has 43K - assuming some postal codes have multiple entries due to being in more than one city. Also note, the lat/lng is NOT an area centroid. It is simply the lat/lng of some school within the postal code. Have fun with my free dataset!

Format: State, City, ZipCode, Latitude, Longitude http://www.opengeocode.org/download/cityzip.zip

