I want to capture 'Send' button event of outlook using UI Automation. Right now i am able to get 'Focus Change Event' like whenever iam minimizing or maximizing the WINWORD window the the event is raised instead of that i want to get the event on Send button click.
private void SendButtonInvoke()
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD");
AutomationElement aeOutLook = null;
foreach (var item in processes)
aeOutLook = AutomationElement.FromHandle(item.MainWindowHandle);
//AutomationElement outlookelm = AutomationElement.FromHandle(processName.MainWindowHandle);
AutomationElement buttonAddInstance = aeOutLook.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Send"));
if (buttonAddInstance == null)
MessageBox.Show("Add button instance not found");
AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler ButtonEvent =
new AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler(ButtonChecked_EventHandler);
//Attaching the EventHandler
Automation.AddAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler(buttonAddInstance, TreeScope.Children,
ButtonEvent, AutomationElement.NameProperty);
private void ButtonChecked_EventHandler(object sender, AutomationEventArgs e)
AutomationElement ar = sender as AutomationElement;
MessageBox.Show("Button Clicked Sucessfully.");
You have to specifiy the EventHandler for the involved UIA Pattern. (For your case it's likely to be the InvokePattern):
Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(InvokePattern.InvokedEvent, AutomationElement buttonAddInstance ,TreeScope.Element, new AutomationEventHandler(OnStartInvoke));
private static void OnStartInvoke(object src, AutomationEventArgs e)
I wrote and tested the code below and it seems to work for me.
private void AddEmailSendEvent()
// Find the new email window
PropertyCondition newEmailWindowCondition = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Untitled - Message (HTML) ");
AutomationElement NewEmailWindow = AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, newEmailWindowCondition);
// Find the Send Button
PropertyCondition sendEmailButtonCondition = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Send");
AutomationElement sendButton = NewEmailWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, sendEmailButtonCondition);
// If supported, add the invoke event
if (sendButton.GetSupportedPatterns().Any(p => p.Equals(InvokePattern.Pattern)))
Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(InvokePattern.InvokedEvent, sendButton, TreeScope.Element, handler);
private void handler(object sender, AutomationEventArgs e)
// Do whatever is needed, for testing this just adds a message to my forms Main UI
AddMessage("Invoke event occured");
I should note that I'm using the .Net 4.0 automation libs. I've found the older ones don't always work the way I want them. I also tested this with Outlook 2013, and both outlook and the new email message were already open when I tested this. It doesn't handle waiting for them to appear.
Just so your aware, these events don't always work for all controls. Some custom controls are made in such a way the invoke events are not reported to the UI in a way the event can register. With that said, from my testing you should be able to use this method on the send button.
Invoking vs mouse clicks: Just to add a little more detail, the standard control causes the invoke event to fire when a user clicks it. "Invoke" is just the standard event fired on clickable controls. The only time a click wouldn't fire the same invoke is if the developer decided to intercept the click somehow and redirect it elsewhere. I've seen this a lot when people build there own custom controls.
If your not sure about whether a control using/firing the invoke event or not you can get use the Accessible Event Watcher to watch a control as you click it. You can get more information on the tool here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317979(v=vs.85).aspx