
Android Espresso: Make assertion while button is kept pressed

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-20 11:26:12
问题 I'm quite new to Espresso on Android and I am running into the following problem: I want Espresso to perform a longclick(or something..) on a button, and while the button is kept pressed down, I want to check the state of a different View. In (more or less) pseudocode: onView(withId(button_id)).perform(pressButtonDown()); onView(withId(textBox_id)).check(matches(withText("Button is pressed"))); onView(withId(button_id)).perform(releaseButton()); I tried writing 2 custom Taps, PRESS and

How to Automate simple Windows Form Application using MSAA?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-19 06:45:08
问题 I want to automate simple Windows Application using MSAA. I am not getting Idea that how to find the control (say TextBox and Button ) and to get value of them(say get value of TextBox and click in case of button). 回答1: Why do you want to automate using MSAA? Microsoft's current way is UI Automation. From Wikipedia (emphasis mine): UIA is similar to Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) in that it provides a means for exposing and collecting information about user interface elements and

How to access full Adobe Acrobat AcroExch COM API from Internet Explorer embedded object?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-19 04:24:34
问题 I have the following situation: Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 SP1 32-bit Adobe Acrobat Professional version 10 A webpage with code like this: <object data="foo.pdf" src="foo.pdf"> Given that: The default PDF reader on the system is Adobe Acrobat Adobe Reader's browser plugin is suppressed in favor of Acrobat's plugin Acrobat.exe is running when the plugin loads I'm using Internet Explorer's COM automation (from Ruby, but that doesn't really matter) to obtain a reference to the object 's

How to access full Adobe Acrobat AcroExch COM API from Internet Explorer embedded object?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-19 04:23:40
问题 I have the following situation: Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 SP1 32-bit Adobe Acrobat Professional version 10 A webpage with code like this: <object data="foo.pdf" src="foo.pdf"> Given that: The default PDF reader on the system is Adobe Acrobat Adobe Reader's browser plugin is suppressed in favor of Acrobat's plugin Acrobat.exe is running when the plugin loads I'm using Internet Explorer's COM automation (from Ruby, but that doesn't really matter) to obtain a reference to the object 's

Windows UI Automation doesn't recognize button controls

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-18 10:23:08
问题 I'm having problems trying to identify via Windows UI Automation the button controls that are inside the Notification Area window (classname: ToolbarWindow32 ): I verified via the Windows UI Automation tools deployed in the Windows SDK that those "icons" are controls of type ControlType.Button , however when I try to run the code below I get a null-reference exception because the search condition I use doesn't get any control. I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I found some kind of

Cypress Integration with DevOps

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-11 14:16:21
问题 What I want to achieve: I have a repository on Azure DevOps which hosts my web application. I wrote a test suite for UI Automation using Cypress. I created a separate repository for my test cases to check if they are working properly or not. I created a pipeline which has the following content: trigger: - manual-tests pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: '10.x' displayName: 'Install Node.js' - script: | npm install displayName: 'npm install' - task:

How to use two or more csv file in a single feature file in karate?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-11 07:23:58
问题 I am thinking of using two csv files in a single feature file, but unable to do so, sharing a demo code for the same: Scenario Outline: * driver 'https://github.com/login' * input('#login_field', '<username>') * input('#password', '<password>') * submit().click("input[name=commit]") * match html('#js-flash-container') contains 'Incorrect username or password.' Examples: |read('one.csv')| |read('two.csv')| Here, <username> is stored in one.csv and <password> is stored in two.csv, is there a

UI Automation switch window

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-08 14:14:43
问题 I've noticed that setforegroundwindow can be very flaky - no matter how you do it. I've noticed that using UIAutomation, where possible, seems to improve things. For example: Getting the WindowPattern and using something like: windowPattern.SetWindowVisualState( WindowVisualState.Normal ); windowPattern.SetWindowVisualState( WindowVisualState.Maximized ); Now my questions is: How do I know whether I should make it maximized or normal. The task manager, and dragon naturally speaking both seem

UI Automation switch window

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-08 14:06:33
问题 I've noticed that setforegroundwindow can be very flaky - no matter how you do it. I've noticed that using UIAutomation, where possible, seems to improve things. For example: Getting the WindowPattern and using something like: windowPattern.SetWindowVisualState( WindowVisualState.Normal ); windowPattern.SetWindowVisualState( WindowVisualState.Maximized ); Now my questions is: How do I know whether I should make it maximized or normal. The task manager, and dragon naturally speaking both seem

UI Automation doesn't see hidden windows?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-08 10:33:34
问题 I have winforms application that is signed and has manifest with level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false". I want to start another application with hidden window and to work with it using UI Automation API. Process procinst = new Process(); procinst.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true, ErrorDialog = true, Verb = "runas", FileName = appfilepath }; procinst.Start(); The new process with hidden window can be seen in Spy++ but