I have a requirement in my application where I have to read all the available track stream from mp4 file.
Mp4 file is encoded with number of tracks in AAC format. I have to decode to get all available tracks from the file. Currently I am using SharpDX and IMSourceReader (Media Foundation dlls) to read the Streams. But by default SourceReader returns only the first audio stream from the file. Is it I am doing correct ? Or I have to use any other third party libraries to achieve this ?
When configuring the reader, you can select which streams will be delivered when reading samples. Often times you do not wish to select the stream. An example would be a movie which has additional audio streams (spanish, french, or perhaps director commentary). As a result, most of the time stream selection is as simple as the following:
// error checking omitted for brevity
hr = reader->SetCurrentMediaType((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, nullptr, audioMediaType);
hr = reader->SetStreamSelection((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, true);
However if you look at SetStreamSelection, the first parameter takes either the enumeration used above, or a specific stream index.
// 0–0xFFFFFFFB <-- The zero-based index of a stream.
I have never used SharpDX, but this enumeration is documented here. Pertaining to video, sometimes additional video streams are available (usually closed captioning).
When reading the samples, using a callback or synchronously, pay close attention to the stream index, and process the sample accordingly.
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I hope this helps.