I am using this sidemenu module in my app.
In sidemenu i have option like home, setting etc. When i click on setting, it redirect to setting page. Now problem is when setting page is opened and i open side menu using swipe and again click on setting then it will again open setting screen on previous one. Means it creating 2 setting screen. If i repeat it again then it will creating again setting scree. How do i prevent this?
My code for screen redirection is here
var win = Alloy.createController('Setting').getView();
Store last opened page:
Add this outside the click function
var openWindow = '';
And this inside the click function
if (openWindow == 'Setting') return;
openWindow = 'Setting'
var win = Alloy.createController('Setting').getView();
This assumes this is in a function, which I guess it is because it is a click handler. If not, wrap it in a function