I'm trying to denormalize a user back into a complete object. I'm trying to follow based on the docs here. From what I understand the input should be one of the result values, and then you provide the schema and entities to process rebuilding the object. The returned value though is an object that has a key of 0 and a value of the input. {0:44}
for example, instead of the whole denormalized user object.
import { schema } from 'normalizr';
const photos = new schema.Entity('photos')
const phones = new schema.Entity('phones')
const user = new schema.Entity('users', {
photos: [photos],
phones: [phones]
const usersSchema = new schema.Array(users)
export { usersSchema, user as userSchema }
denormalize([user], userSchema, this.props.users.entities)
users : {
1: {id:1, name: "john", phones:[2]}
photos : {},
phones : {
2: {id:2, phone: "34234324"}
EDIT: Gist that can be pasted into http://requirebin.com that shows the issue in console
var normalizr = require("normalizr")
const photos = new normalizr.schema.Entity('photos')
const phones = new normalizr.schema.Entity('phones')
const user = new normalizr.schema.Entity('user', {
photos: [photos],
phones: [phones]
const usersSchema = new normalizr.schema.Array(user)
var users = [
{id: 1, name: "bob", phones: [{id:3, phone: 45234324},{id:4, phone: 42342432}]},
{id: 2, name: "will", phones: [{id:3, phone: 45234324},{id:6, phone: 5435345}]},
{id: 4, name: "sam", phones: [{id:6, phone: 5345353},{id:7, phone: 42342432}]}
var normalizedUsers = normalizr.normalize(users, usersSchema)
var denormalizedUser = normalizr.denormalize([2], user, normalizedUsers)
This line is wrong:
var denormalizedUser = normalizr.denormalize([2], user, normalizedUsers)
Either your first argument should just be 2
or your second argument should be [ user ]
Also, normalizedUsers
should be just the entities
, not the full normalized result. Use normalizedUsers.entities