I want to create a tabbed layout in jupyter notebook using ipywidgets
. I want to process the output of a particular tab only when it is clicked. In other words, lazify the output.
from ipywidgets import widgets
out1 = widgets.Output()
with out1:
out2 = widgets.Output()
with out2:
out = widgets.Tab([out1, out2])
out.set_title(0, 'out1')
out.set_title(1, 'out2')
I want the functions get_output_1()
and get_output_2()
to be called only when the corresponding tab is clicked.
Please help me out.
You can use the observe
function to detect which tab is being selected, and then choose the correct Output widget from a dictionary, run your function and then display the return value.
You might want your long running function to have the @lru_cache
decorator so that as you flick backwards and forward between tabs you have a shorter wait time.
from IPython.display import clear_output, display
import time
import ipywidgets as widgets
from functools import lru_cache
# set up a dictionary of Output widgets
outputs = {i: widgets.Output() for i in range(0,3)}
# add the Output widgets as tab childen
tab = widgets.Tab()
tab.children = list(outputs.values())
for i, title in outputs.items():
tab.set_title(i, 'Tab '+str(i))
def print_on_select(widget):
# get the correct Output widget based on the index of the chosen tab
tab_idx = widget['new']
output_widget = outputs[tab_idx]
with output_widget:
print('running long function')
value = long_running_function(tab_idx)
def long_running_function(tab_idx):
return 'this is tab number ' + str(tab_idx)
tab.observe(print_on_select, names='selected_index')