I am getting familiarized with Octave and the function fft2()
. In this toy example, I am aiming at producing the 2D DFT of the following 256 x 256 png image:
To be able to understand the output easily, I try to convert this image into a 256 x 256 image, eliminating color information:
Im = imread('circ.png');
pkg load image
Im = rgb2gray(Im);
figure, imshow(Im)
After this bookkeeping preliminaries I run:
A = fft2(double(Im));
OK. Now I take the same image, and analyze it with ImageJ, checking the output at point (157, 96)
, like this:
So the magnitude is going to be sqrt(7.448^2 + 10.458^2) = 12.83
And the phase, arctan(-10.458 / 7.448) = 54.54 degrees
The question is, How can I get these values out of the fft2()
In case it makes a difference, this is how I plotted the Octave output 2D DFT:
h = imshow(abs(fftshift(A)),[24 100000]);
h2 = get(h,'Parent');
axis equal tight;
title("2D FFT Magnitude");
h = imshow(angle(fftshift(A)),[-pi pi]);
h2 = get(h,'Parent');
axis equal tight;
title("2D FFT Phase");
and this is the process in ImageJ:
Here are a few observations which should clarify the scaling used:
- ImageJ's X and Y positions are 0-based whereas Matlab's indexing is 1-based.
- Incrementing ImageJ's X position corresponds to incrementing the column index in Matlab, and incrementing ImageJ's Y position corresponds to incrementing the row index in Matlab, so that an
coordinate pair in ImageJ will be found at index(Y+1,X+1)
in Matlab. - ImageJ displays the image with the 0 frequency component in the middle of the image, so measurements are effectively made on the equivalent of
- ImageJ scales the 0-255 grayscale values to floating point values in the 0.0-1.0 range (i.e. scaling all values by dividing by 255)
So with that in mind, we have:
>> Ashifted = fftshift(A);
>> Ashifted(97,158)/255
ans = 7.4484 - 10.4582i
>> Ashifted(93,165)/255
ans = 12.1928 - 4.9850i
which correspond exactly to your illustrated measurements of the real and imaginary parts at positions (X,Y) = (157,96)
and (X,Y) = (164,92)
Note that by the linearity property of the FFT, you could also divide the input and get the same results:
A = fft2(double(Im)/255.0);
>> Ashifted = fftshift(A);
>> Ashifted(97,158)
ans = 7.4484 - 10.4582i
>> Ashifted(93,165)
ans = 12.1928 - 4.9850i