I am trying to execute queries on statements stored in Learning Locker via PHP and TinCanPHP API. Going by this answer, I was able to fetch a response from Learning Locker. Here is a part of the response:
TinCan\LRSResponse Object
[success] => 1
[content] => TinCan\StatementsResult Object
[statements:protected] => Array
[0] => TinCan\Statement Object
[id:protected] => 9ea9e6b6-8278-4545-a02c-c46113f3ba30
[stored:protected] => 2016-02-28T12:04:01.670600+00:00
[authority:protected] => TinCan\Agent Object
[objectType:protected] => Agent
[name:protected] => New Client
[mbox:protected] => mailto:hello@learninglocker.net
[mbox_sha1sum:protected] =>
[openid:protected] =>
[account:protected] =>
[version:protected] => 1.0.0
[attachments:protected] => Array
[actor:protected] => TinCan\Agent Object
[objectType:protected] => Agent
[name:protected] => Subhayan Roy
[mbox:protected] => mailto:subhayanroy5@gmail.com
[mbox_sha1sum:protected] =>
[openid:protected] =>
[account:protected] =>
[verb:protected] => TinCan\Verb Object
[id:protected] => http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/search
[display:protected] => TinCan\LanguageMap Object
[_map:protected] => Array
[en-US] => Searched
The list of statements returned has permission protected
, so I'm not being able to access them. How do I access the statements? What am I missing here?
You need to use the methods built into the library. In this case the one you want is getStatements.
See the documentation here: http://rusticisoftware.github.io/TinCanPHP/doc/api/latest/classes/TinCan.StatementsResult.html#method_getStatements
To answer the question which you will ask next (Why aren't I getting all statements returned in the result?), Take a look at the Statement Result getMore method which gives you the more URL and the Remote LRS moreStatements method which accepts a more URL and fetches the next batch of statements. See this code sample: https://github.com/garemoko/TinBadgesPHP/blob/b8789042f4af23f0f7927596e8e7f2a06655db72/TinBadges/RemoteLRS.php#L84-L96