Access code file and line number from Scala macro?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-23 17:20:57


How can I access the name of the code file and line number in a Scala macro? I looked at SIP-19 and it says it can be easily implemented using macros...

EDIT: To clarify, I want the code file and line number of the caller. I already have a debug macro and I want to modify it to print the line number and file name of whoever calls debug


You want c.macroApplication.pos, where c is for Context.

c.enclosingPosition finds the nearest macro on the stack that has a position. (See the other answer.) For instance, if your assert macro generates a tree for F"%p: $msg" but doesn't assign a position, the F macro would be positionless.

Example from a string interpolator macro, F"%p":

  /* Convert enhanced conversions to something format likes.
   * %Q for quotes, %p for position, %Pf for file, %Pn line number,
   * %Pc column %Po offset.
  private def downConvert(parts: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
    def fixup(t: Tree): Tree = {
      val Literal(Constant(s: String)) = t
      val r = "(?<!%)%(p|Q|Pf|Po|Pn|Pc)".r
      def p = c.macroApplication.pos
      def f(m: Match): String = m group 1 match {
        case "p"  => p.toString
        case "Pf" =>
        case "Po" => p.point.toString
        case "Pn" => p.line.toString
        case "Pc" => p.column.toString
        case "Q"  => "\""
      val z = r.replaceAllIn(s, f _)
      Literal(Constant(z)) //setPos t.pos
    parts map fixup


If you mean file name and line number of the current position in the source code, for 2.10, my answer to that SO question is what your looking for:

def $currentPosition:String = macro _currentPosition
def _currentPosition(c:Context):c.Expr[String]={ import c.universe._
  val pos = c.enclosingPosition
  c.Expr(Literal(Constant(s"${pos.source.path}: line ${pos.line}, column ${pos.column}")))

That should work with 2.11 as well, although this way of creating the AST seems deprecated.

You can also have a look at that excerpt of my project Scart; it's how I use this technique to emit traces for debugging purposes.


The example in 'Writing Scala Compiler Plugins' shows how to access the line name and current number of the current position, as the others answers have mentioned.

In addition to the answers above, you can also get the position from the AST returned from a CompilationUnit.

For example:

def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) {
    // Get the AST
    val tree = unit.body  

    // Get the Position
    // Scala.util.parsing.input.Position
    val myPos = tree.pos 

    // Do something with the pos
    unit.warning(pos, "Hello world")

