User-defined operators in Fortran

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-23 15:26:42


I had a question about the correct way of programming user-defined operators in Fortran. To be more specific, I will provide the example of my problem. I am working on creating a user-defined data type for spherical particles called 'Particle'. I want to define an operator that takes an existing array of Particle objects and adds a new Particle object to it. I was wondering how I would go about defining user defined operators to do such an action.

Currently I have, within the type definition for Particle, the following lines:

procedure, public:: addNewParticleTo
generic:: operator(.spawn.) => addNewParticleTo

Following which, I have a subroutine that is defined as follows:

subroutine addNewParticleTo(a_LHS, a_RHS)
  implicit none
  class(Particle), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in):: a_LHS
  class(Particle), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout):: a_RHS
  <rest of the code>
end subroutine addNewParticleTo

I intend for the operator to be invoked as:

particle .spawn. particleArray

I was wondering if this is the correct way to go about doing this. Any suggestions or advise on this will be very helpful.


To expand on the comments, you will need to have the operator code as a function. Further, each input would need to be intent(in). This would indeed allow something like array = particle .spawn. array.

However, another change is required to your subroutine: one of your arguments should be a scalar. [The first, unless you play with the pass attribute.]

function addNewParticleTo(A, B) result(C)
  class(particle), intent(in) :: A
  class(particle), allocatable, intent(in)  :: B(:)
  class(particle), allocatable :: C(:)
  ! ... code to do the appending
end function

Finally, my advice is that having this as a type-bound operator is making things quite complicated, with the polymorphism and so on. Also, array = particle .spawn. array seems very unintuitive.

Instead, just a plain subroutine so that call add_to_particle_array(all_particles, new_particle) works seems cleaner. This is closer to your original code, but doesn't answer your question about operators, alas.

