I want to use the infinity sign on the x-axis of a box plot in R, which I want to write to a PDF file.
I can set the infinity symbol by doing
names(data)[9] <- "∞"
but that gets me encoding errors when trying to write:
conversion failure on '∞' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for <...>
You can either use Unicode as in this example: using Unicode 'dingbat-like' glyphs in R graphics, across devices & platforms, especially PDF (infinity is Unicode 8734): in particular, it's possible that simply using a cairoPDF
device will make this work. Probably a better idea is to use ?plotmath
capabilities (as referenced in ?boxplot
under the names
I'm not entirely sure how you're trying to place the label, but the following code works for me:
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
in that it produces a PDF with the x axis labelled with an infinity symbol. For mathematical symbols, I would recommend not trying to store them as characters and expecting R to treat them like it does other characters. See ?plotmath
for more information.
I had a similar problem on MacOS with the symbols for male (mars unicode \u2642) and female(venus unicode \u2640). pdf() would not plot them, replacing them by dots.
I then installed Cairo and at first that did not work either (instead it replaced the symbols with rectangles) until I typed
cairo_pdf(pdf.file,family="Arial Unicode MS")
which works. The problem is to find a font with the symbol you want defined, so there is no guarantee that it will work for other symbols.