How to open other application from my application

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-23 05:04:48


I am writing code to launch other applications from my react native application for android and ios.

Using Linking form react native I am able to redirect to Play Store/App Store but

How can I launch App if it's already installed?

* I am getting the list of the app's from server


Is there any way that I can launch the app if it's installed else redirect to App store/play store with respect to the platform?



After many searches I have found an alternative for android without deep link URL is to use the native module react-native-intent-launcher to launch another app using package-name.

You can call the native function startActivity in react-native to do something with Intent which can only be solved with android native code.

Looking for iOS solution without deep link URL if any lead please update here

Once I found I will update Here

Thank you


Your other app need to handle Deeplinking. If that's not already the case, have a look here for Android and here for iOS.

This will allow you to have your app's own URL scheme, for example testapp://example

Then you can simply use the Linking API, but instead of opening a HTTP URL, you can use you Deeplink URL scheme defined previously.


