I've a huge difference between the amount of used memory displayed in XCode debug panel and the same info in Instruments. XCode shows 400 MB of allocated memory when Instruments only shows 42MB. I'm certainly closer to 400 than 42 as I've multiples 32MB textures loaded... (And this time, 42 is not the answer, btw)
XCode 6.0.1, iPad 3, iPhone 5S, iOS 7.1.2 on both, Profiling on real devices, but no problem doing the same thing on simulator.
Not an ideal situation to track memory consumption.
What goes wrong? Did I miss something? I filter on "All allocations" and "All heap and anonymous". Any idea ? Thx
The Allocations instrument doesn't record OpenGL ES texture memory allocations. If your app is allocating multiple 32 MB textures, that would explain why Xcode is reporting memory usage of 400 MB and the Allocations instrument is reporting 42 MB.
Use the OpenGL ES Analysis template to look at your texture memory allocations. Use the Allocations instrument to look at the rest of your app's memory allocations.
Found: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15536861/2292348
I think the activity monitor can be used to show real memory usage: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/Documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/InstrumentsUserGuide/MemoryManagementforYouriOSApp/MemoryManagementforYouriOSApp.html