Grails - sort by the domain relation attribute (using createCriteria())

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-22 09:22:43


I have two domain classes with 1:n relationship:

import Action

class Task {    
    Action actionParent
    String taskName


class Action {
    String actionName

I have the list of Tasks where I have the column "Action name", I would like to sort this column by Action.actionName. Now I'm using the createCriteria() method [I need to use it because I have more logic for filtering and sorting...], but I'm able to sort only by "". This method looks like:

def criteria = Task.createCriteria();
taskList = criteria.list {
    if(parameters.max != null)
    if(parameters.offset != null)
        firstResult(new Integer(parameters.offset))
    if(parameters.sort != null && parameters.order)
        order(parameters.sort, parameters.order)

Is there any way to sort the domain class data by the relationship attributes?

Thanks for any replay,



if you want to stick with the criteria approach, try something like this. Create an alias to you Action object and then access the property for sorting it

    def criteria = Task.createCriteria()
    def taskList = criteria.list {
        order( "_action.actionName")


I know this is an old question, but in my particular situation (wanting to sort on an association's association's field), it worked only when I passed the sort column directly into the list method:

def criteria = Task.createCriteria();
taskList = criteria.list(max: parameters.max, offset: parameters.offset, sort: parameters.sort, order: parameters.order) {
    // Other code here...

When I tried to put the ordering information in the closure itself, Hibernate barfed up an exception with a message org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: [Grails domain relation's relation's field] of: [Grails domain].


Have you tried using the listOrderBy* GORM command, so it would be something like

def tasksList = Task.listOrderByActionName()


try this

 def tasksList = Task.findAll()
 tasksListSorted = tasksList.sort { it.actionParent.actionName }

you can also do this

        task1, task2 -> task1.actionParent.actionName.compareToIgnoreCase(task2.actionParent.actionName)


