Does anybody know a smart way to bring the user to enter their Facebook or Twitter account login information, if they aren't already logged in? For example, a user tries to log in my application with Facebook without configuring the Facebook account in the iOS settings. Can I ask him to do it with an alert, for example, but how can I bring him to the exact section of settings for that?
@rckoenes is correct. Under normal circumstances there is no way to manually send the user to preferences. There was a method of doing this introduced in iOS 5, but Apple quickly depreciated it in iOS 5.0.1 or 5.1 I don't remember exactly which one.
Now, on to the current situation. If you are using an SLComposeViewController
in the Social Framework
, you don't even have to worry about adding this functionality yourself. It is done automatically by iOS. Below is a screenshot from my 6.0 simulator attempting to post to Facebook without any accounts signed in. This is also true for Twitter and Sina Weibo.
You can't, there is no way to get the user to the settings app lett a lone the correct section.