login to fiware GE using putty (Windows) - what credentials?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-21 21:35:07


I have a FiWare GE instance setup, with a security group, key, and IP all configured. I also have Putty setup to allow me to connect to the instance. My problem is that when I connect I get asked for login information. I've tried my login credentials for Fi-Ware but that doesn't work. There are no other users associated, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to use. There doesn't seem to be any (obvious) way to create users and associate them with an application either.

Are there default login credentials I should be aware of? Do I need to make a user specifically for my instance?


Depending on the VM; sometimes 'root' is not the right username. The documentation, sometimes lacks here. If the VM is a Ubuntu base, then 'ubuntu' would be the username.

And as mentioned before, make sure that you have the right 'read' rights for the keys on your computer.


You should use PuTTygen to generate the .ppk file to access through PuTTy (load your .pem, generate the .ppk file and save on your harddisk).

With this file, you open PuTTy, go to Connection, SSH, Auth and load your .ppk file

I hope this can be useful for


It it just a problem about the permissions that you have in the .pem file. You just need to change it to 600 (u+rw only)

 chmod 600 <file>.pem

And then try to connect again with your ssh client.

 ssh -i <file>.pem root@<IP of the VM>

