
Bring MDIChild form to front if already open

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-25 03:46:11
问题 I've been struggling to get this to work...I have a button on a MDIchild form that opens another MDIchild form, but if the form is already open, it does not recognize it and opens a new one instead of bringing it to front. This is the code i've got: Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim MDIForm4 As New Form4 MDIForm4.MdiParent = Me MDIForm4.Show() End Sub This works for the button to open the new form, and then I tried adding this: If Not Form4

How to bring an OpenDialog hidden by another window to the front

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-11 06:57:39
问题 I have an application with multiple forms and a separate taskbar button for each form. Let's say form2 displays an OpenDialog, I click away to another maximized application covering the full screen area, then I go back to form2 by selecting it's taskbar button. Voila! The OpenDialog is hidden behind the other application I selected, and I have to click on the now non-accessible form2 to bring the dialog back to the front. This is really annoying and may confuse the user. Here is some code to

Android bringToFront() View API <= 16

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-11 01:11:33
问题 When I was testing my app, I realized that if I use a device with API <= 16 the method bringToFront() does not work! How can I do this for APIs less than 16? When I touch a view, I need to bring it to the front! With API 17 or greater, bringToFront() works. Thanks 回答1: Just by using the documentation you can read there ( that: Change the view's z order in the tree, so it's on top of other sibling views. This ordering change may

FabricJS - disable layer index changing when object is selected

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-01 03:50:27
I've a problem with my FabricJS app. By default, the object layer in fabricjs jumps to the top when I select it. I want to disable this option so that the index of the active element not changing. It's possible ? You just need to set the preserveObjectStacking options as shown in the below code when setting up the canvas. var fabricCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("t", { preserveObjectStacking: true }); fabricCanvas .add(new fabric.Rect({ top: 0, left: 0, width: 100, height: 100, fill: "green" })) .add(new fabric.Rect({ top: 50, left: 50, width: 100, height: 100, fill: "red" })) .add(new fabric.Rect

BringToFront doesn't work inside a coordinator layout

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-01 02:07:24
Android Studio 2.0 Preview 4 I am using to use BringToFront to get a TextView to display in front of the other controls. The Doc's bringToFront() say you have to call requestlayout invalidate . Which I do, but doesn't work. tvLevel.bringToFront(); tvLevel.requestLayout(); tvLevel.invalidate(); I am using this TextView inside a However, the following code does work. But only supports API 21 and above. But I need to support API 16. if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { tvLevel.setTranslationZ(4); tvLevel.invalidate(); } Or by

FabricJS - disable layer index changing when object is selected

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-01 00:35:24
问题 I've a problem with my FabricJS app. By default, the object layer in fabricjs jumps to the top when I select it. I want to disable this option so that the index of the active element not changing. It's possible ? 回答1: You just need to set the preserveObjectStacking options as shown in the below code when setting up the canvas. var fabricCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("t", { preserveObjectStacking: true }); fabricCanvas .add(new fabric.Rect({ top: 0, left: 0, width: 100, height: 100, fill: "green"

BringToFront doesn't work inside a coordinator layout

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-11-30 22:22:26
问题 Android Studio 2.0 Preview 4 I am using to use BringToFront to get a TextView to display in front of the other controls. The Doc's bringToFront() say you have to call requestlayout invalidate . Which I do, but doesn't work. tvLevel.bringToFront(); tvLevel.requestLayout(); tvLevel.invalidate(); I am using this TextView inside a However, the following code does work. But only supports API 21 and above. But I need to support API 16. if(Build