How to get the owner of the file in the windows 7?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-21 20:56:30


I have a problem - in the window when the file is opened to show the name of the one who last modified the file. This information is available if you right-click on the file and select Properties and tab Details... i see Owner line and name but i dont know how to get this from my script.

lets see properties on file:


I use Python2.7 and and I do not find the solution how to get the data... in linux its worked. but not in windows. I tried to console utilities windows.

dir /Q - its worked on local files

C:\temp>dir /Q file.ext
11/06/2004  15:33           290,304 COMP\user       file.ext
               1 File(s)        290,304 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  316,720,226,304 bytes free

but don't worked when file on server:

\\server\project\sequences\>dir /Q file.ext
21/12/2016  16:00            66,372 ...                    file.ext
               1 File(s)         66,372 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  52,561,190,912 bytes free

it's strange, because in the explorer I can see the data and they are available

well, try another utility subinacl.exe

its the same - worked on local files and not worked with file on server:

C:\temp>subinacl.exe /file file.ext /display=owner
/owner             =comp\user

C:\temp>subinacl.exe /file \\server\project\sequences\file.ext  /display=owner
\\server\project\sequences\file.ext - CreateFile Error : 1314 A required privilege is not held by the client.

i try takeown and all the same - work only on local files:

C:\temp>takeown /F file.ext
SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\temp\file.ext" now owned by user "COMP\user".

\\server\project\sequences\>takeown /F file.ext
ERROR: Access is denied.

It may have something else utility in windows? I am ready even to write such a tool myself and call it from python. but I have no idea how to get this information? tell me how to crash problem in any programming language? I believe that in C/С++ or C# code is a matter of the 5-lines with the output to the console ... if so - what will be glad to help, and then I will cause this utility from python


python 2.7

try to use the functions (GetFileSecurity and LookupAccountSid) from the win32security library and you will obtain information about owner

import win32security

def GetOwner(filename):
    f = win32security.GetFileSecurity(filename, win32security.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
    (username, domain, sid_name_use) =  win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, f.GetSecurityDescriptorOwner())
    return username

print GetOwner(r"\\some_shared_location\somefile.txt")

