how to write a generic compare function in Haxe (haxe3)

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-21 20:30:51


I am trying to write a generic compare function (like the c strcmp) in Haxe3 for a template type A, assuming that this template type has a less-than-or-equal-to operator "<=".

I saw in the Haxe3 documentation ( that you can do a similar job if you want to assume that a template type has the new function:

@:generic static function foo<T:{function new(s:String):Void;}>(t:T) {
    trace(Type.typeof(t)); // TClass([class String]) / TClass([class Template])
    return new T("foo");

So, I tried the same technique with a "le" function:

class Main {
    @:generic static public function compare_<A:{function le(y:A):Bool;}>(x:A,y:A): Int {
        if (x.le(y) && y.le(x)) return 0;
        else if (x.le(y)) return -1;
        else return 1;

    static function main() {
        var a:MyInt  = new MyInt(1);
        var b:MyInt  = new MyInt(2);

class MyInt {
    var data:Int;
    public function new(i:Int) { = i; }
    public function le(y:MyInt){return data <=;}

The compare_ function above works fine for any type with the prerequisite "le" function. The above code returns -1 as expected. But it is rather inconvenient, obviously, to create a new class for Int, just to provide the le function. My question is, is there a way to re-write the compare_ function to make it work for any template type (Int,Float, other types with overloaded operators) with a "<=" operator defined?

The following is what I have tried:

@:generic static public function compare_<A:{@:op(X <= Y) function le(x:A,y:A):Bool;}>(x:A,y:A): Int {
     if (x <= y && y <= x) return 0;
     else if (x <= y) return -1;
     else return 1;

which of course does not compile. Haxe complains that "le" is undefined.

I am looking for lightweight solutions without involving macros, as I intend to re-use the haxe generated code in other languages without dependance on Boot. or scuts. Dynamic is also not good for my purposes as there is no type-safety at all.

Thanks in advance.

Update: I did some additional reading, and figured I might be able to inject an le method the hard way into every type I want, using the using and callback mechanism. Please see my related question on that "import and using may not appear after a type declaration" -- the haxe using magic.


Two type safe ways to deal with the problem:

1. Macros

class Main {
    macro static public function compare_(a, b)
        return macro @:pos(a.pos) { 
            var a = $a, 
            b = $b; 
            if (a <= b) 
                if (b <= a) 0;
                else -1;
            else 1;

    static function main() {
        var a = 1,
            b = 2;

2. Abstracts

abstract Comparator<T>({f: T->Int }) {
    public function new(f) 
        this = { f: f };

    public function compare(other:T):Int
        return this.f(other);

    @:from static function fromInt(i:Int)
        return simple(i);

    @:from static function fromFloat(f:Float)
        return simple(f);

    @:from static function fromString(s:String)
        return simple(s);

    @:from static function fromComparable<A>(o:{ function compareTo(other:A):Int; })
        return new Comparator(o.compareTo);

    static function simple<X>(o:X):Comparator<X>
        return new Comparator(;

class Main {
    static public function compare_<A>(a:Comparable<A>, b:A)

    static function main() {
        function comparable(value)
             return { 
                 value: value, 
                 compareTo: function(other) 
                     return, other.value) 

