how to inset a new array to my jagged array

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-20 04:26:13


hello i will much apreciate any help.

ok let's see, first i have declare a jagged array like this and the next code

int n=1, m=3,p=0;

int[][] jag_array =new[n];

now my jagged array will have 1 array inside, next y have to fill the array like this:

     jag_array[p]= new double[car];
     for (int t = 0; t < carac; t++)
           jag_array[p][t] = variableX;

now my jagged array looks like this(also insert some data for this example):


now my question how can i insert a new array whit out losing my previos data if i declare

jag_array[p+1]= new double[car];

i will lose the data from the previos one, i will like to look something likes this:


the reason i did not declare from the begining 2 array is beacuse i dont know how many i am going to use it could be just 1 or 20 and every time i have to create a new array whit out losing the previous data that has been already fill, thaks all for the attention,


The size of an array, once created, is by definition invariable. If you need a variable number of elements, use a List<T> - in your case, probably a List<int[]>.

The only alternative solution would be to created a new array with the new size (and assign that to your jag_array variable) and copy all the previous elements from your old array into the new array. That is unnecessarily complicated code when you can just use List<T>, but if you cannot use List<T> for any reason, here is an example:

// increase the length of jag_array by one
var old_jag_array = jag_array; // store a reference to the smaller array
jag_array = new int[old_jag_array.Length + 1][]; // create the new, larger array
for (int i = 0; i < old_jag_array.Length; i++) {
    jag_array[i] = old_jag_array[i]; // copy the existing elements into the new array
jag_array[jag_array.Length - 1] = ... // insert new value here

