monogame screen resolution is incorrect

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-20 03:09:10


Monogame, or XNA really, is reporting the wrong screen resolution on my Surface Pro 3.

Using GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width and Height returns dimensions of 800 x 600, which is incorrect. So, I cannot set up my game size correctly.

I've been using this code without problem on an Acer V5 and can set the game resolution to a size I expect. This is because the GraphicsAdapter reports the correct screen size.

Whether using it as is, or docking the tablet with an external monitor, returns exactly the same resolution. What error is causing this?


This used to be a bug in Monogame, and was fixed.

If you are not building from the latest source code, it is possible that you still have the bug in your monogame dll.


