I have an application which I am using for one-to-one chat. Now I need to implement group chat. I know it is possible with XMPPFramework and there is a class called XMPPRoom which we can use to create a room or join a room. But I am unable to implement that in my project.
Can anyone please provide me some ideas, suggestions and if possible a sample application. Thanks in advance :)
here you have a script that allows to connect to a room
[xmppRoom activate:[self xmppStream]];
[xmppRoom createOrJoinRoom];
In order to do this you should have access to the xmppStream.
- (void)createOrJoinRoomWithRoomName:(NSString *)roomName nickName:(NSString *)nickName
if(roomName && nickName)
_xmppRoomStorage = [XMPPRoomHybridStorage sharedInstance];
XMPPJID *roomJid = [XMPPJID jidWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@.%@",roomName,@"conference",self.hostName]];
_xmppRoom = [[XMPPRoom alloc] initWithRoomStorage:_xmppRoomStorage jid:roomJid];
[_xmppRoom addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[_xmppRoom activate:_xmppStream];
NSXMLElement *history = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"history"];
[history addAttributeWithName:@"maxstanzas" stringValue:MAX_ROOM_HISTORY];
[_xmppRoom joinRoomUsingNickname:nickName history:history];
NSLog(@"room creation arguments missing");