How can I generate a large random prime using openssl, I found out how to generate a random number and check if it is prime but I have not been able to automate the process of checking the primality, here is the command that i am using: openssl rand -hex 256 | xargs openssl prime -hex
Should I use a while loop to repeatedly check if the result is prime? How can I automate the process of checking if the result does not contain the keyword "not",
This is all the further i got on writing the while loop:
while [{openssl rand -hex 256 | xargs openssl prime -hex} = *"$not"*]
OpenSSL version 1.0.0 and newer adds -generate
option to the prime
$ openssl prime -generate -bits 2048 -hex
There are better ways of generating prime numbers than by using openssl.
If you are really set on this method though, use something like this (call with a number range to be checked):
# Usage: $0 <starting_number> <final_number>
while (( N <= $2 )); do
# use bc to convert hex to decimal
openssl prime $N | awk '/is prime/ {print "ibase=16;"$1}' | bc
let N++
If you want to do this with openssl-generated random numbers, use this (call with the number of attempts):
# Usage: $0 <count>
while (( N-- > 0 )); do
# use bc to convert hex to decimal
openssl rand -hex 256 | xargs openssl prime -hex | awk '/is prime/ {print "ibase=16;"$1}' | bc
If you don't care for decimal, replace awk '/is prime/ {print "ibase=16;"$1}' | bc
with awk '/is prime/ {print $1}'
Adapted from: http://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#prime