i do need some help as the post: Dynamic color input in shiny server does not give full answer to my problem.
I would like to have dynamic colour (fill) selection in my shiny app. I have prepared a sample code:
dat <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(60, 2, 3), ncol=3))
dat <- melt(dat)
ui = fluidPage(
selectizeInput("select","Select:", choices=as.list(levels(dat$variable)), selected="X1",multiple =TRUE),
downloadButton('downloadplot',label='Download Plot')
server = function(input, output, session) {
cols <- reactive({
lapply(seq_along(unique(input$select)), function(i) {
colourInput(paste("col", i, sep="_"), "Choose colour:", "black")
output$myPanel <- renderUI({cols()})
cols2 <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$col_1)) {
cols <- rep("#000000", length(input$select))
} else {
cols <- unlist(colors())
testplot <- function(){
dat <- dat[dat$variable %in% input$select, ]
ggplot(dat, aes(x=variable,y=value, fill=cols2()[1])) + geom_boxplot()}
output$plot <- renderPlot({testplot()})
output$downloadplot <- downloadHandler(
filename ="plot.pdf",
content = function(file) {
pdf(file, width=12, height=6.3)
I would like the user to choose fill colour of the boxplot. The number of colour widgets will appear according to number of selected variables in selectizeInput("select"...
. Till this point everything is working perfectly, however going further i am not able to figure out how to apply this colour to the ggplot, etc...
Here are my questions:
How i can connect the fill colour to ggplot correctly
Can i make the default colour of
correspond to the default colour palette (not to one colour --> in my case is black)Instead of Choose colour text in
colourInput(paste("col", i, sep="_"), "Choose colour:",
i would love to have the corresponding name (choosen variable fromselectizeInput
) of the variable (in this case X1, X2 and X3)I would like as well to have a button which could reset all the choosen colours
Thank You all in advance and i hope this can be solved
These are very nice and concrete questions and I'm glad to, hopefully, answer them :)
- How i can connect the fill colour to ggplot correctly
In this case the best way, I think, is to fill boxes according to the variable
(which is reactive) and to add a new layer scale_fill_manual
in which you specify custom colours for different boxes. The number of colours has to be obviously equal to the number of levels of variable
. This is probably the best way because you will always have a correct legend.
ggplot(dat, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols)
- Can i make the default colour of colourInput() correspond to the default colour palette (not to one colour --> in my case is black)
Of course, you can do it.
First, you need to know the default colours for discrete variables that ggplot uses. To generate these colours we will use a function gg_color_hue
found in this nice discussion. I've changed its name to gg_fill_hue
to follow a ggplot convention.
We can code everything within renderUI
where we first specify the selected levels/variables. To get rid of unambiguity which would be caused due to dynamically (and possibly in a different order) generated widgets, we sort the names of levels/variables.
Then we generate appropriate number of default colours with gg_fil_hue
and assign them to the appropriate widget.
To make things easier, we change the IDs
of these widgets to col
+ "varname" which is given by input$select
output$myPanel <- renderUI({
lev <- sort(unique(input$select)) # sorting so that "things" are unambigious
cols <- gg_fill_hue(length(lev))
# New IDs "colX1" so that it partly coincide with input$select...
lapply(seq_along(lev), function(i) {
colourInput(inputId = paste0("col", lev[i]),
label = paste0("Choose colour for ", lev[i]),
value = cols[i]
3.Instead of Choose colour text in colourInput(paste("col", i, sep="_"), "Choose colour:", i would love to have the corresponding name (choosen variable from selectizeInput) of the variable (in this case X1, X2 and X3)
It is done in the code above as well - simple pasting.
Now, let's take a look at a very important issue that arises due to dynamical number of generated widgets. We have to set the colours of boxes according to a unique colorInput
and there may by 1,2 or even 10 those inputs.
A very nice way of approaching this problem, I believe, is to create a character vector with elements specifying how we would normally access these widgets. In the example below this vector looks as follows: c("input$X1", "input$X2", ...)
Then using non-standard evaluation (eval
, parse
) we can evaluate these inputs to get a vector with selected colours which we then pass to scale_fill_manual
To prevent errors that may arise between selections, we will use the function `req´ to make sure that the length of the vector with colours is the same as the length of the selected levels/variables.
output$plot <- renderPlot({
cols <- paste0("c(", paste0("input$col", sort(input$select), collapse = ", "), ")")
# print(cols)
cols <- eval(parse(text = cols))
# print(cols)
# To prevent errors
req(length(cols) == length(input$select))
dat <- dat[dat$variable %in% input$select, ]
ggplot(dat, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols)
- I would like as well to have a button which could reset all the choosen colours
After defining the actionButton
on the client side with an ID="reset"
we create an observer that's going to update colorInput
Our goal is to return a list with updateColourInput
with an appropriate parametrisation for each available colourInput
We define a variable with all chosen levels/variables and generate an appropriate number of default colours. We again sort the vector to avoid ambiguity.
Then we use lapply
and do.call
to call a updateColourInput
function with specified parameters that are given as a list.
observeEvent(input$reset, {
# Problem: dynamic number of widgets
# - lapply, do.call
lev <- sort(unique(input$select))
cols <- gg_fill_hue(length(lev))
lapply(seq_along(lev), function(i) {
do.call(what = "updateColourInput",
args = list(
session = session,
inputId = paste0("col", lev[i]),
value = cols[i]
Full Example:
dat <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(60, 2, 3), ncol=3))
dat <- melt(dat)
# Function that produces default gg-colours is taken from this discussion:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559/emulate-ggplot2-default-color-palette
gg_fill_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
ui = fluidPage(
selectizeInput("select", "Select:",
choices = as.list(levels(dat$variable)),
selected = "X1",
multiple = TRUE),
downloadButton('downloadplot', label = 'Download Plot'),
actionButton("reset", "Default colours", icon = icon("undo"))
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$myPanel <- renderUI({
lev <- sort(unique(input$select)) # sorting so that "things" are unambigious
cols <- gg_fill_hue(length(lev))
# New IDs "colX1" so that it partly coincide with input$select...
lapply(seq_along(lev), function(i) {
colourInput(inputId = paste0("col", lev[i]),
label = paste0("Choose colour for ", lev[i]),
value = cols[i]
output$plot <- renderPlot({
cols <- paste0("c(", paste0("input$col", sort(input$select), collapse = ", "), ")")
# print(cols)
cols <- eval(parse(text = cols))
# print(cols)
# To prevent errors
req(length(cols) == length(input$select))
dat <- dat[dat$variable %in% input$select, ]
ggplot(dat, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = variable)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols)
observeEvent(input$reset, {
# Problem: dynamic number of widgets
# - lapply, do.call
lev <- sort(unique(input$select))
cols <- gg_fill_hue(length(lev))
lapply(seq_along(lev), function(i) {
do.call(what = "updateColourInput",
args = list(
session = session,
inputId = paste0("col", lev[i]),
value = cols[i]
output$downloadplot <- downloadHandler(
filename = "plot.pdf",
content = function(file) {
pdf(file, width = 12, height = 6.3)