Is a way around this??
I am trying to insert some data into a table whose structure is:
Column name Type Nulls
crs_no char(12) no
cat char(4) no
pr_cat char(1) yes
pr_sch char(1) yes
abstr text yes
The type of the last field reads 'text', but when trying to insert into this table, I get this error:
insert into crsabstr_rec values ("COMS110","UG09","Y","Y","CHEESE");
617: A blob data type must be supplied within this context.
Error in line 1
Near character position 66
So this field is some sort of blob apparently, but won't take inserts (or updates). Normally, these records are inserted into a GUI form, then C code handles the insertions.
There are no blob (BYTE or TEXT) literals in Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) - nor for CLOB or BLOB types in IDS 9.00 and later. It is an ongoing source of frustration to me; I've had the feature request in the system for years, but it never reaches the pain threshold internally that means it gets fixed -- other things get given a higher priority.
Nevertheless, it bites people all the time.
In IDS 7.3 (which you should aim to upgrade - it goes out of service in September 2009 after a decade or so), you are pretty much stuck with using C to get the data into the TEXT field of a database. You have to use the approved C type 'loc_t' to store the information about the BYTE or TEXT data, and pass that to the server.
If you need examples in ESQL/C, look at the International Informix User Group web site, and especially the Software Repository. Amongst other things, you'll find the original SQLCMD program (Microsoft's program of the same name is a Johnny-Come-Lately) in source form. It also includes a set of programs that I dub 'vignettes'; they manipulate blobs in various ways, and are designed to show how to use 'loc_t' structures in various scenarios.
in iSQL....
Load from desc.txt insert into crsabstr_rec;
3 row(s) loaded.
desc.txt is a | (pipe) delimited text file and the number of fields in the txt have to match the number of fields in the table