
Informix 12.10 Finding the error point in the query when the statement could not be “prepare ”d from the query

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-11 15:09:58
问题 I have long query like this in the procedure CREATE PROCEDURE procedure1(var type1) DEFINE Result Type2; LET c_query = "SELECT " || "RESULT " || "FROM " || "QUERY_PART1 " || "join " || "QUERY_PART2 " || "join " || ... "END_PART "; PREPARE c_stmt FROM c_query; -- Problematic line DECLARE c_cur CURSOR FOR c_stmt; OPEN c_cur; .... END PROCEDURE But the "PREPARE c_stmt FROM c_query;" line does not run , and the error is Execute: A syntax error has occurred I Try to find syntax error of Query,

Does the order of tables in straight joins, with no hint directives, affect performance?

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-10 05:38:16
问题 All SQL-based RDBMS' (versions up to 10 years old): Does the order of tables in a straight join query (with no hint directives) make a difference for optimum performance and memory management? I heard that the last join should be the largest table. How does your DB's query optimizer handle this scenario? 回答1: Just to add more on the subject... YES and NO, depends. That is my answer. It depends on many factors, wich RDBMS you are using (MySQL, MSSQL Server, Oracle, DB2...), type of join, size

Does the order of tables in straight joins, with no hint directives, affect performance?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-10 05:38:12
问题 All SQL-based RDBMS' (versions up to 10 years old): Does the order of tables in a straight join query (with no hint directives) make a difference for optimum performance and memory management? I heard that the last join should be the largest table. How does your DB's query optimizer handle this scenario? 回答1: Just to add more on the subject... YES and NO, depends. That is my answer. It depends on many factors, wich RDBMS you are using (MySQL, MSSQL Server, Oracle, DB2...), type of join, size


风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-02 21:13:32
商业智能(BI)和分析平台长期以来一直是商业的重要组成部分,但由于自助BI工具的兴起,在数据科学家和数据库管理员的支持下,分析的责任已经从IT转移到了商业分析师身上。 因此,BI已经从生成月度报告的记录系统,转变为基于各种内部和外部来源的数据,交互式地发现和共享趋势、预测以及对业务问题的回答。采用自助BI的企业可以在几天内决定行动方案,而不是需要长达几个月的时间。 1、部署使用 Tableau 为C/S架构,需要在用户终端安装desktop进行分析的设计,在服务器端安装server,将模块数据与分析发布在server上,使用reader查看客户端生成的分析,可以在web断和移动端查看在server上发布的分析。体量较大,布署稍复杂,使用时需要客户端配合。 Smartbi 采用B/S架构,容易部署、升级简便。让大数据应用和分析走进员工和管理者工作中,激发各层人员对数据的认知、挖掘和运用;通过推动全员自助分析、数据共享,提升企业数据资产价值,促进业务发展、风险控制和内部管理,进而推动数字化转型。也可以集成到自己开发的项目中使用。 2、平台界面 Tableau是服务器与客户端分离的,平台管理与设计分开进行,产品的逻辑清晰,易于理解、便于用户的操作,但不利于IT部门管控和配合。 Smartbi是把整个平台和设计都放在一个界面上,利用权限管理,来控制每个使用者显示的界面。有利于企业级的管控。

Create Informix database

戏子无情 提交于 2021-01-28 09:13:59
问题 Database installed into /home/informix/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle . The owner of folder is user informix of the group informix . I get the following message when run dbaccessdemo7 : DBACCESS Demonstration Database Installation Script Dropping existing stores_demo database .... Creating stores_demo database .... 931: Cannot locate port_alias service/tcp service in /etc/services. Error in line 1 Near character position 1 Database startup looks ok: $ oninit -vi This action will initialize IBM

Create Informix database

旧时模样 提交于 2021-01-28 09:10:18
问题 Database installed into /home/informix/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle . The owner of folder is user informix of the group informix . I get the following message when run dbaccessdemo7 : DBACCESS Demonstration Database Installation Script Dropping existing stores_demo database .... Creating stores_demo database .... 931: Cannot locate port_alias service/tcp service in /etc/services. Error in line 1 Near character position 1 Database startup looks ok: $ oninit -vi This action will initialize IBM

MERGE Statement is not working in Informix v10

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-12-13 03:59:25
问题 I tried to use the merge statement to Insert/Update in Informix v10.0 but it throws a Syntax Error: create table source(id int, account int, age int); create table target (id int, account int, age int); insert into source values(1, 1200, 25); insert into source values(2, 1300, 28); insert into source values(3, 1400, 45); merge into target t using source s on = when matched then update set =, t.account = s.account, t.age = s.age when not matched then insert (, t.account


自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-11-15 11:43:52
sql基础教程 sql教程 什么是sql? SQL 指结构化查询语言 SQL 使我们有能力访问数据库 SQL 是一种 ANSI 的标准计算机语言 sql可以做什么 SQL 面向数据库执行查询 SQL 可从数据库取回数据 SQL 可在数据库中插入新的记录 SQL 可更新数据库中的数据 SQL 可从数据库删除记录 SQL 可创建新数据库 SQL 可在数据库中创建新表 SQL 可在数据库中创建存储过程 SQL 可在数据库中创建视图 SQL 可以设置表、存储过程和视图的权限 SQL 是一种标准 - 但是… SQL 是一门 ANSI 的标准计算机语言,用来访问和操作数据库系统。SQL 语句用于取回和更新数据库中的数据。SQL 可与数据库程序协同工作,比如 MS Access、DB2、Informix、MS SQL Server、Oracle、Sybase 以及其他数据库系统。 不幸地是,存在着很多不同版本的 SQL 语言,但是为了与 ANSI 标准相兼容,它们必须以相似的方式共同地来支持一些主要的关键词(比如 SELECT、UPDATE、DELETE、INSERT、WHERE 等等)。 **注释:**除了 SQL 标准之外,大部分 SQL 数据库程序都拥有它们自己的私有扩展! 在您网站中使用sql RDBMS 数据库程序(比如 MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)