
Insert converted varchar into datetime sql

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-02-20 19:53:51
问题 I need to insert a varchar in my table. The type in the table is a datetime so I need to convert it. I didn't think this would be to big of a problem however it keeps inserting 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 instead of the date I want. When I do a select with my converted date it does show me the correct date. I'll show you the code: INSERT INTO Item (CategoryId, [Date], Content, CreatedOn) SELECT CategoryId, Convert(datetime, '28/11/2012', 103), Content, GetDate() FROM Item i JOIN Category c ON i

Insert converted varchar into datetime sql

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-20 19:51:09
问题 I need to insert a varchar in my table. The type in the table is a datetime so I need to convert it. I didn't think this would be to big of a problem however it keeps inserting 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 instead of the date I want. When I do a select with my converted date it does show me the correct date. I'll show you the code: INSERT INTO Item (CategoryId, [Date], Content, CreatedOn) SELECT CategoryId, Convert(datetime, '28/11/2012', 103), Content, GetDate() FROM Item i JOIN Category c ON i


这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-20 13:29:57
Insert是T-sql中常用语句,Insert INTO table(field1,field2,...) values(value1,value2,...)这种形式的在应用程序开发中必不可少。但我们在开发、测试过程中,经常会遇到需要表复制的情况,如将 一个table1的数据的部分字段复制到table2中,或者将整个table1复制到table2中,这时候我们就要使用 SELECT INTO 和 INSERT INTO SELECT 表复制语句了。 1. INSERT INTO SELECT语句 语句形式为: Insert into Table2(field1,field2,...) select value1,value2,... from Table1 要求目标表Table2必须存在,由于目标表Table2已经存在,所以我们除了插入源表Table1的字段外,还可以插入常量。示例如下: -- 1.创建测试表 create TABLE Table1 ( a varchar ( 10 ), b varchar ( 10 ), c varchar ( 10 ), CONSTRAINT [ PK_Table1 ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( a ASC ) ) ON [ PRIMARY ] create TABLE Table2 ( a varchar ( 10 )

create new record into cassandra DB using java RESTful web service

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-17 07:05:22
问题 I want to use a method that can insert data into my cassandra database , I was able to get data by doing this method public JSONArray getData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ").append("user"); String query = sb.toString(); ResultSet rs = session.execute(query); JSONArray users = new JSONArray(); rs.forEach(r -> { JSONObject user = new JSONObject(); users.put( user.put("name", r.getString("name")).put("email", r.getString("email"))); }); return users; } but I dont know

create new record into cassandra DB using java RESTful web service

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-17 07:05:12
问题 I want to use a method that can insert data into my cassandra database , I was able to get data by doing this method public JSONArray getData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ").append("user"); String query = sb.toString(); ResultSet rs = session.execute(query); JSONArray users = new JSONArray(); rs.forEach(r -> { JSONObject user = new JSONObject(); users.put( user.put("name", r.getString("name")).put("email", r.getString("email"))); }); return users; } but I dont know

Recursive Insert via binary search

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-11 15:25:44
问题 I have a sorted array and want to recursively find a position for inserting an element. E.g. an array 2,4,5,6,7,8,12,35 with an insertion value of 3 and the algorithm should return the index of the position where the 3 has to be inserted (index 1). The following code works sometimes, and other times it gets stuck in an infinite loop. Eventually my brain feels like jelly and I ask for your help. This is the code: private static int insertRec(int[] a, int e, int l, int r) { int mid = l + r / 2;

Recursive Insert via binary search

久未见 提交于 2021-02-11 15:24:47
问题 I have a sorted array and want to recursively find a position for inserting an element. E.g. an array 2,4,5,6,7,8,12,35 with an insertion value of 3 and the algorithm should return the index of the position where the 3 has to be inserted (index 1). The following code works sometimes, and other times it gets stuck in an infinite loop. Eventually my brain feels like jelly and I ask for your help. This is the code: private static int insertRec(int[] a, int e, int l, int r) { int mid = l + r / 2;

Using JQuery to split a <ul> in 2

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-11 12:47:31
问题 Hi I have a list of unordered elements. When clicked I would like to insert a <p> element whilst splitting the <ul> in 2. The problem being that $("</ul>"+text+"<ul class=\"test\">").insertAfter(element); seems to separate the <p> element from the <ul> elements, inserting the <p> first then the <ul> tags. I would also like to remove the opening and closing <ul> immediately before and after the .temp element so I can split the <ul> in different spot. This was the only method I could find but

Add new blank row to datagridview c#

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-10 23:40:16
问题 I have a DataGridView that has a DataTable as the DataSource . Now I want to insert a new empty row to the DataGridView and make it totally black (like a divider line). I have tried to copy one line and make it black with this: Datagridview1.rows.insertcopies(2,2,1); But I'm getting this error: rows cannot be programmatically added to the datagridview's rows collection when the control is data-bound. How can I keep the DataGridView the way she is and just insert a blank row? Clarification : I

Add new blank row to datagridview c#

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-10 23:36:10
问题 I have a DataGridView that has a DataTable as the DataSource . Now I want to insert a new empty row to the DataGridView and make it totally black (like a divider line). I have tried to copy one line and make it black with this: Datagridview1.rows.insertcopies(2,2,1); But I'm getting this error: rows cannot be programmatically added to the datagridview's rows collection when the control is data-bound. How can I keep the DataGridView the way she is and just insert a blank row? Clarification : I