Store a jsRender template in a separate js file

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-18 02:37:29


Is it possible to store a jsRender template in a separate file?

I want to store it in a separate file and make a reference of it in my page.

something like this

<script id="templateName" type="text/x-jsrender" src="thisIsTheTemplate.js"></script>

I will apreciate any commemnts or suggestions.



Yes, you can accomplish this (I use this every time).

let's assume that you have your templates in a template folder and it is called, for example _productDetails.tmpl.html

in your page you use jQuery $.get() to pull it and load into the template, like:

var renderExternalTmpl = function(item) {

    var file = '../templates/_' + + '.tmpl.html';
     .done(function(tmplData) {
         $.templates({ tmpl: tmplData });

and you pass an object item witch will contain all 3 properties, like:

renderExternalTmpl({ name: 'productDetails', selector: '#items', data: {} })

You can have a nice utilities class to hold all this:

var my = my || {};
my.utils = (function() {
    var getPath = function(name) {
        return '../templates/_' + name + '.tmpl.html';
    renderExtTemplate = function(item) {

        var file = getPath( );
         .done(function(tmplData) {
             $.templates({ tmpl: tmplData });

    return {
        getPath: getPath,
        renderExtTemplate: renderExtTemplate

and you can easily call my.utils.renderExtTemplate(item);


I recently ran into this problem myself. After looking through the jsRender code, and studying other javascript libraries, I decided to write my own library that would simplify loading external templates so that one could attach templates to a html page using the <link> tag and render them by simply including the .js file. If you would like to check it out, I have posted the code on github with examples:

This library works with jsRender, as well as any code capable of processing a template.



Here is a function I wrote to load one or more external templates at once. It also caches the templates so if one is already loaded it won't load again.

function loadTemplates() {
    var toLoad = [],
        loadAll = $.Deferred();

    $.each(arguments, function(i, templateName) {
        var filepath = '/path/to/templates/' + templateName + '.html',
            loadTemplate = $.Deferred();


        if ($.templates[templateName]) {
        } else {
            $.get(filepath , function(html) {
                var newTemplate = {};
                newTemplate[templateName] = html;
            }).fail(function() {
                throw 'Could not load template at '+filepath;
            }).done(function() {

    $.when.apply($, toLoad).done(function() {

    return loadAll;

Use it like so:

loadTemplates('modal','itemDetail', 'itemsList').done(function() {
    // do stuff when all templates are loaded
    $('#viewItemDetail').on('click',function() {
            name:'Cool Thing',
            description:'This thing is really cool.'


In case you're trying to load external templates from a local file, like I was, let me save you some frustration. Don't use the jQuery $.get() as recommended in balexandre's answer.

Use $.ajax(), and set async: true and dataType: text, otherwise it gives you an error: elem.getAttribute is not a function. See my answer to Error when loading jsrender templates through AJAX for details.


in my experience, you don't need to work with that trouble, you just need to append the template to the page before you using it. see below code.

<div id="all_template"></div>
var file = '/tmpl/all.tmpl.html';
    url: file,
    async: false,
    type : "GET",
    dataType: 'text',
    cache: true,
    success: function(contents) 
    $("#all_template").append(contents);//append all your template to the div
var data = {};
$('#js-template').render(data);//use it as the same old way

in this way, you don't need to request a ajax file everytime you want to render a js template

