
Logic in JsViews css-tag

大憨熊 提交于 2021-01-29 11:13:03
问题 I am trying to put logic in a css-width in a data-link in jsViews. The two following approaches did not work: {{for Items}} ... <td id="show-keys" data-link="css-width{~root.ShowKeys ? '200px' : '400px'}"> or {{for Items}} ... <td id="show-keys" data-link="css-width{:~keysWidth()}"> ... <script type="text/javascript"> ... var app = { ... helpers: { showKeys: function () { //debugging shows that this never gets fired return app.ShowKeys ? '400px' : '100px'; } How do I appropiatly base a css


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-24 22:38:26
本文转载自: https://www.cnblogs.com/tangmingjun/archive/2012/06/04/2534605.html 作者:tangmingjun 转载请注明该声明。    在 ASP.NET MVC利用PagedList分页(二)PagedList+Ajax+JsRender 中提到了JsRender。JsRedner和JsViews(JsViews是再JsRender基础上的进一步封装)被称为下一代的Jquery模板,官方地址: https://github.com/BorisMoore/jsrender ; https://github.com/BorisMoore/jsviews 。Juqrey模板是一个javascript引擎(抄的、这个东东太高深了),他最直接的作用就是:1、代码重用,减少代码量;(貌似还更容易编写)2、抛弃繁琐的字符串拼接、提高代码可见性、简化维护。    为什么需要模板    总之,我是写过无数这样蛋疼的代码: var html = ''; $.each(data.persons, function (i, item) { html += " <tr><td> " + item.FirstName + " </td> <td><a href='/Person/Edit/ "          + item

How to access parent data properties in JsRender nested templates

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-21 11:51:27
问题 http://jsfiddle.net/tQnVt/621/ This fiddle illustrates my problem. Say I am binding a JSON onto view with the help of jsrender templates. var vm = { foo: {color: "red",otherObjectToMatch:"object"}, testData: [{color: "red"}, {color: "yellow"}, {color: "blue"}] }; Object vm has 2 properties- 1) a plain object 2) array of objects. Template- <script id="template" type="text/x-jsrender"> <p> {{:foo.color}} </p> <ul> {{for testData}} <li>index: {{>color}}</li> {{/for}} </ul> </script> I want to

How to access parent data properties in JsRender nested templates

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-21 11:51:07
问题 http://jsfiddle.net/tQnVt/621/ This fiddle illustrates my problem. Say I am binding a JSON onto view with the help of jsrender templates. var vm = { foo: {color: "red",otherObjectToMatch:"object"}, testData: [{color: "red"}, {color: "yellow"}, {color: "blue"}] }; Object vm has 2 properties- 1) a plain object 2) array of objects. Template- <script id="template" type="text/x-jsrender"> <p> {{:foo.color}} </p> <ul> {{for testData}} <li>index: {{>color}}</li> {{/for}} </ul> </script> I want to

How to render an array in JsRender without iteration?

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-17 04:56:06
问题 I have an some dynamic data loaded in to an array named "tabNames" like this: tabNames.push({name: hit.category}); Then I need to list the "name" fields in the following html. I want to list first 7 "name" values in the array "tabNames" horizontally and then the others in to a drop down. This is my html <div id="categories" class="food-category-tab"> <script id="categoriesList" type="text/x-jsrender"> <ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs"> {{if #index <=6}} <li class="active"><a href="#home"

jsRender - How to call an external template from a nested template

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-11 03:53:22
问题 I'm really new to jsRender(only a couple of days) and I just can say ..I love it!! One article I found really useful was this one by john papa So far I've been able to do what I want(everything in the same page), but one thing John says in his article : If a template is defined inside of a tag in the same page that it’s used, then the template isn’t as reusable as it could be. made me want to try and see if could move all my templates into separate files. Following John's instructions I

View not updating on observable changed

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-06 02:49:11
问题 I'm trying to have a list be rerendered when the container of the list is updated: {^{for selectedScenario.instances}} <div>{^{:name}}</div> {{/for}} When I use $.observable(data).setProperty("selectedScenario", scenario), nothing changes. In http://jsfiddle.net/ep76m4af/1/ you can see this in action. ObserveAll shows that the data itself is updated and the event is properly fired. 回答1: The reason it is not working is because you are using a 'deep path' selectedScenario.instances - which by

JsRender Access parent index in nested template

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-03 05:19:29
问题 I have a problem with accessing parent index in nested template. Trying to send #index as parameter in a template, but it doesn't work (http://jsfiddle.net/Xsrdb/). <script id="firstTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender"> {{for segments}} <b>{{:#index}}</b> {{/for}} {{for segments tmpl='#secondTemplate' ~parent_index=#index}} <b>{{:#index}}</b> {{/for}} </script> <script id="secondTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender"> <div> {{>~parent_index/}} <i>{{>name/}}</i> </div> </script> Does anybody know how

JsRender 学习总结

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-26 19:50:19
  最近学习了一下Jsrender模板渲染工具,非常不错,功能比较强大,官网说他是“简单直观 功能强大 可扩展的 快如闪电”确实如此。总结一下!! jsRender 三个最重要的概念 :模板、容器和数据。 最重要的是:view(视图) 是我们定义的模板,上下文是视图所用的对象。 一、基础。 {{:}} 和 {{>}}(或{{html:}})两者都可以输出内容,不过后者是经过html编码的。   {{: pathOrExpr}} (value) 值类型 {{> pathOrExpr}} (HTML-encoded value) html编码后的值 {{* mycode}} (using code) 代码 二、逻辑判断和循环。 if-else    语法:{{if condition}} ... {else condition} ... {{else}}... {{/if}} 例子: <script type="text/tmp" id="tmp4"> <p>my name is: {{:name}}</p> <p>我是: {{if info.age >= 18}} 成年人 {{else}} 未成年 {{/if}} </p> </script> var html = $("#tmp4").render(data); $("#list").html(html); for  语法: {

D3.js Graphs in JavaScript Templates (jsRender/jsViews, jquery tmpl, etc.)

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-25 15:03:43
问题 I've been trying to create a page that uses JavaScript Templates which incorporate graphs made using d3.js to display information about each inventory item (in this example, I have an array of JSON blobs containing transistor data.) For example, I need boilerplate "Absolute Max Ratings" table followed by graphs like the impedance curve for a range of Gate Voltages. Here's what I have so far: var partData = [ { name: "IRF10", maxRatings: { vds: 200, vgs: 20, id: 2.1, pd: 36 }, impedanceGraph: