How disable the main form when I have a sub-from open [closed]

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-14 04:15:15


I've been looking everywhere and I haven't found the code to disable the main form when sub form is open(I could be just wording it wrong. Just like when you're opening a file if you try click on the application the Open flashes and makes a sound.

How do I make the application disable while I'm in the second form that isn't the main?

Edit: So this is where place it since everyone is asking

        private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        New_File newFile = new New_File();
        if (newFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


Edit 2: Take 16 sec to open the file, and looks like:

Since you took all my rep I have to post a link

I still don't understand why you guys are still downvoting me when I didn't what a ShowDialog was..


If you want to show the sub-form while the main form is visible but in disable mode, just follow the code below:

subForm.ShowDialog(); //Shows both main and sub form , but the main form is not accessible .

But if you want to have your main form hidden, follow this example :

this.Hide(); //Hides the main form.
subForm.ShowDialog(); //Shows the sub form.
this.Show(); //Shows the main form again after closing the sub form.


When you open the 'Sub Form' use


This will show the new form and you won't be able to access anything outside it until that form is closed.


You need to make the main form "own" the sub-form, and modally show the sub-form.

  • For WinForms: pass the owner to ShowDialog.
  • For WPF: Set the Owner then call ShowDialog.



new Form2().ShowDialog();

Shows a Dialog. Nothing more to say.

A little neat trick:

int num = (int)new Form2().ShowDialog();

It's pretty simple, the MainForm won't be access-able until you hit a button in Form2.

