vim sparkup tpl

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-13 21:22:04


I am using Vim with Sparkup and I have two questions:

  1. Sparkup works only with files that end with a HTML extension, however, I would like to use it with TPL, XML, or essentially, any hypertext markup based file. Is that possible?
  2. Unlike the zen-coding plugin it's based on, I can't seem to get zen-coding CSS output. I thought I saw the lack of it in the spark-up files. Does anyone know how to activate it or easily add it?

(I am using Ubuntu 12.04, 7.3.)


sparkup is a filetype plugin. It depends on the filetype of current file.
When you edit a xml file, :set ft=html to change filetype manually.
Then you can use the sparkup plugin.

If you want vim do it automatically, put this command into your .vimrc:

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xml,*.tpl set ft=html


Sparkup only deals with HTML. Adding CSS would mean rewriting it. If you want Zencoding why don't you use Zencoding?

Also I don't remember Zencoding doing "css output", whatever that means. Could you provide an example?


For your record, a better way is to go into the ftplugin directory of the sparkup extension, make a soft link to the folder html with the name 'xml'. This makes sure that you still have the choice to customize xml and html differently.

