I am developing a Shiny app and I need to make sure the end users won't accidentally close a bsModal, because there are some action buttons on it. I've done some research and learned I need to overwrite backdrop and keyboard parameters, but even though I've seen some suggestions, I have no idea where exactly this needs to sit in my code. I am not proficient with JavaScript and very new to Shiny, so even though it feels like a simple task, I cannot get this right.
In case anyone needs it, here's a bit of dummy code that opens a modal window after a button press; I need to prevent people from closing it by accidentally clicking in the background or hitting esc.
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("go", "Go")
,bsModal("window", "Window", "go"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$print = renderText("This is a test")
shinyApp(ui, server)
I tried to combine the solutions provided in these two threads:
Is there a way to hide/disable the `Close` button on a `bsModal` window?
Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?
to do something like this (in a few different combinations), but that didn't really work:
actionButton("go", "Go")
,bsModal("window", "Window", "go"
,tags$head(tags$style("#window .modal{backdrop: 'static'}")))
Any help would be really appreciated!
This will do it:
bsModalNoClose <-function(...) {
b = bsModal(...)
b[[2]]$`data-backdrop` = "static"
b[[2]]$`data-keyboard` = "false"
And then you can close the header and footer as well, to prevent closing there:
bsModalNoClose("window", "Window", "go"
tags$head(tags$style("#window .modal-footer{display:none}