I wrote in SessionStorage a variable "level" with value "4" with Javascript.
sessionStorage.setItem('level', 4);
But when I want to read it with PHP, it makes error :/
echo $_SESSION["level"];
Picture of the problem
How can I resolve this problem ?
The JavaScript session storage has absolutely nothing in common with the PHP session. The former is owned by the client (browser) and can be accessed only in the client context, while the later exists on the server and it's connected to the browsing session, usually through a cookie.
You need to do more reading to understand how they both work, but long story short, they have nothing in common.
For JavaScript, in browser: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/sessionStorage
For PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/intro.session.php
sessionStorage is browser's local memory. It does not directly sync with server side code as you are trying with $_SESSION.