
How to clear sessionStorage when navigating to another page but not on refresh?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-01-27 08:10:21
问题 I have some check boxes in one of my webpages, and this page has to refresh every 1 minute for some data consistency issues. I am using window.sessionStoage to persist the check boxes that have been checked so that the user doesn't lose the boxes already checked on page refresh. But I want to clear the sessionStorage when the user navigates away from that page ( not necessarily leaving my website, might be going to another page on the same website ), and for the same if I use the onunload

How to clear sessionStorage when navigating to another page but not on refresh?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-27 08:10:15
问题 I have some check boxes in one of my webpages, and this page has to refresh every 1 minute for some data consistency issues. I am using window.sessionStoage to persist the check boxes that have been checked so that the user doesn't lose the boxes already checked on page refresh. But I want to clear the sessionStorage when the user navigates away from that page ( not necessarily leaving my website, might be going to another page on the same website ), and for the same if I use the onunload

How to clear sessionStorage when navigating to another page but not on refresh?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-27 08:09:10
问题 I have some check boxes in one of my webpages, and this page has to refresh every 1 minute for some data consistency issues. I am using window.sessionStoage to persist the check boxes that have been checked so that the user doesn't lose the boxes already checked on page refresh. But I want to clear the sessionStorage when the user navigates away from that page ( not necessarily leaving my website, might be going to another page on the same website ), and for the same if I use the onunload

How to clear sessionStorage when navigating to another page but not on refresh?

梦想与她 提交于 2021-01-27 08:06:26
问题 I have some check boxes in one of my webpages, and this page has to refresh every 1 minute for some data consistency issues. I am using window.sessionStoage to persist the check boxes that have been checked so that the user doesn't lose the boxes already checked on page refresh. But I want to clear the sessionStorage when the user navigates away from that page ( not necessarily leaving my website, might be going to another page on the same website ), and for the same if I use the onunload

Web Storage 学习

余生长醉 提交于 2020-11-01 19:15:04
简介 html5 中的 Web Storage 包括了两种存储方式:sessionStorage 和 localStorage。 sessionStorage 用于本地存储一个会话(session)中的数据,这些数据只有在同一个会话中的页面才能访问,会话结束后数据也随之销毁。localStorage 用于存储一个域名下的需要永久存在在本地的数据,这些数据可以被一直访问,直到这些数据被删除。因此sessionStorage 和 localStorage 的主要区别在于他们存储数据的生命周期,sessionStorage 存储的数据的生命周期是一个会话,而 localStorage 存储的数据的生命周期是永久,直到被主动删除,否则数据永远不会过期的。 Web Storage 和 cookie 的异同点及优劣势 Web Storage 和 cookie 有许多相同之处: 它们都可以用于存储用户数据 它们存储数据的格式都是字符串形式 它们存储的数据都有大小限制 Web Storage 和 cookie 也有不同之处: 它们的生命周期不同。sessionStorage 的生命周期是一个会话,localStorage的生命周期是永久,cookie 的生命周期可以自定义,cookie 可以设置过期时间,数据在过期时间之前可以访问。 它们的存储大小限制不同。大部分现代浏览器 Storage


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-04-03 15:48:52
注:脑容量有限,本笔记主要记录本人认为较为有用的js方法 1、sessionStorage :用于临时保存同一窗口(或标签页)的数据,在关闭窗口或标签页之后将会删除这些数据。(如需长期保存可用 localStorage)   语法: window . sessionStorage   保存数据: essionStorage . setItem ( "key" , "value" );   读取数据: sessionStorage . getItem ( "key" );   删除数据: sessionStorage . removeItem ( "key" );   删除所有数据: sessionStorage . clear (); 2、 JSON . parse ( text [, reviver ]):将一个 JSON 字符串转换为对象,第二个参数为可选。 3、 JSON.stringify(value[, replacer[, space]]):将 JavaScript 值转换为 JSON 字符串,replacer用于转换结果的函数或数组,space用于文本添加缩进,空格或换行。 来源:


我的梦境 提交于 2020-04-01 13:11:14
一、输入url到展示页面过程发生了什么? URL(Uniform Resource Locator)统一资源定位符,用于定位互联网上资源 scheme: // host.domain:port/path/filename scheme:定义因特网服务的类型,常见的类型有:HTTP HTTPS和GTP。 host:定义域主机(http默认是www) domain:定义因特网域名,比如 port:定义主机上的端口号(http:默认是80) path:定义服务器上的路径 filename:定义文档/资源的名称 1. DNS解析:将域名解析成IP地址 在浏览器输入网址后,首先要经过域名解析,因为浏览器并不能直接通过域名找到对应的服务器,而是要通过IP地址,之所以我们用的是域名而不是IP,是因为IP是一段数字,特别不容易记住,而域名其实就是IP的伪装者。 什么是域名解析:DNS协议提供通过域名查找IP地址,或者是反向通过IP查找域名的服务。DNS是一个网络服务器,我们的域名解析简单来说就是DNS上记录一条信息记录。 1.1 递归查询 主机向本地域名服务器的查询一般都是采用递归查询。 所谓递归查询就是:如果主机所查询的本地域名服务器不知道被查询域名的IP地址,那么本地域名服务器就以DNS客户的身份,向其他根域名服务器继续发出查询的请求报文(即替该主机继续查询)

HTML5 Web 存储

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-03-27 09:00:43
3 月,跳不动了?>>> HTML5 web 存储,一个比cookie更好的本地存储方式。 什么是 HTML5 Web 存储? 使用HTML5可以在本地存储用户的浏览数据。 早些时候,本地存储使用的是cookies。但是Web 存储需要更加的安全与快速. 这些数据不会被保存在服务器上,但是这些数据只用于用户请求网站数据上.它也可以存储大量的数据,而不影响网站的性能. 数据以 键/值 对存在, web网页的数据只允许该网页访问使用。 浏览器支持 Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, 和 Safari支持Web 存储。 注意: Internet Explorer 7 及更早IE版本不支持web 存储. localStorage 和 sessionStorage There are two new objects for storing data on the client: localStorage - 没有时间限制的数据存储 sessionStorage - 针对一个 session 的数据存储 在使用 web 存储前,应检查浏览器是否支持 localStorage 和sessionStorage: if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") { // Yes! localStorage and

HTML5 sessionStorage limits?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-03-13 07:10:53
问题 A few questions regard HTML5's sessionStorage: Does the 5MB limit on localStorage include sessionStorage? (ie. is it really a 5MB limit on the WebStorage API) If not does sessionStorage have a maximum size limit similar to localStorage? I found this site in another SO questions, I'm wondering if the data is still relevant? 回答1: Does the 5MB limit on localStorage include sessionStorage? (Answer: NO ) is it really a 5MB limit on the

HTML5 sessionStorage limits?

早过忘川 提交于 2020-03-13 07:08:40
问题 A few questions regard HTML5's sessionStorage: Does the 5MB limit on localStorage include sessionStorage? (ie. is it really a 5MB limit on the WebStorage API) If not does sessionStorage have a maximum size limit similar to localStorage? I found this site in another SO questions, I'm wondering if the data is still relevant? 回答1: Does the 5MB limit on localStorage include sessionStorage? (Answer: NO ) is it really a 5MB limit on the