I've just started using cruisecontrol and have setup all the neccessary dependencies like jdk and now i'm running the example project under Projects in the cruisecontrol folder, i would like to sent out emails to myself everytime it runs but when i read through the documentation it tells me that i should configure the emails under the config.xml file which i did like
<property name="buildmaster.email" value="email@example.co.za"/> <property name="buildmaster.name" value="Donald Mailula Testing"/>
outsite the project attribute, i would like to know if i'm required to add additional configurations or not if so please help me with get to the right direction. and i have tried several times to changes my intervals under the xml files to shorten the time which it runs but it doesnt change but runs after every 5 min. I'm using CC 2.8.4 and still checking out how it works before i implement it on the server.
Thank you in advance.
NB: I've neva used any integration tool before.
This is how my config file looks like at the moment.
<publishers> <email returnaddress="email@gmail.com" mailhost="smtp.gmail.com" password="secretpassword" username="email@gmail.com" <always address="dmailula@example.com"/> </email> </publishers>
What am I doing wrong?
You have to set up the mail notifications like ,
< publishers>
< email from="fromaddress" mailhost="host address"
mailhostPassword="password" mailhostUsername="username"
<user name="name" address="to address"
group="NotifyGroup" />
<group name="NotifyGroup" notification="failed" />
< /email>
Refernce: http://www.stevetrefethen.com/blog/ConfiguringemailnotificationsforCruiseControlNET.aspx