

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-04-23 14:57:04
#导读 研发协同平台有两个核心目标,一是提高研发效率 ,二是提高研发质量,要实现这两个核心目标,实现持续集成是关键之一。 #什么是持续集成 在《持续集成》一书中,对持续集成的定义如下:持续集成是一种软件开发实践。在持续集成中,团队成员频繁集成他们的工作成果,一般每人每天至少集成一次,也可以多次。每次集成会经过自动构建(包括自动测试)的检验,以尽快发现集成错误。自从在团队中引入这样的实践之后,Martin Fowler发现这种方法可以显著减少集成引起的问题,并可以加快团队合作软件开发的速度。 1、集成 集成就是一些孤立的事物或元素通过某种方式集中在一起,产生联系,从而构成一个有机整体的过程。知识经济的社会,集成已经成了很重要的一个名词。各行各业基本都会用到集成。比如汽车行业,那么复杂的一台跑车愣是通过一大堆零件组装起来。对于这些传统行业,它们在研发成功以后,可以通过流水线的方法批量生产进行集成。而在软件行业中,集成并不是一个简单的“搬箱子”的过程。因为软件工业是一个知识生产活动,其内在逻辑非常复杂,需求又很难一次性确定,完成的产品与最初的设计往往相差很远。敏捷宣言中就有一条是说响应变化重于遵循计划。而且由于软件行业的迅猛发展,软件变的越来越复杂,单靠个人是根本无法完成。大型软件为了重用及解耦,往往还需要分成好几个模块,这样集成就成了软件开发中不可或缺的一部分。 2、持续 “持续

Continuous Delivery Scenario - implementing Rollback

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-03 04:51:11
问题 Imagine I have a vanilla continuous delivery scenario with a Java webapp. This scenario has: - one build server running cruisecontrol - one web server running Tomcat with tomcat manager running One of the Ant build targets running on the build server builds a war file and then uses catalina-ant to remotely deploy the web server using the Tomcat manager. To be truly useful - we need to be able to roll back the deployment. Given this vanilla setup, what extra pieces of the puzzle do I need to

Cruiscontrol Force Build After Build Fails

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-23 02:39:26
问题 buildafterfailed="true" does'nt work in .net, How can I do the same thing? I'm trying to have cruisecontrol triggers force builds until the build is successful. 回答1: You can use Project Trigger with triggerStatus set to Failure and have a project monitor itself. buildafterfailed is specific to CruiseControl, from which CruiseControl.Net has diverged quite a lot. As a side note - doing this either way is probably a bad idea. 来源:

Building the platform code with nant and VS2008

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-22 14:54:16
问题 I'm using the latest nightly build, VS2008 prof trial and .NET 3.5 and I'm getting this error "Solution format of file 'C:\test\Project\src\project.sln' is not supported." Any Solution to overcome from it 回答1: I don't know from what you posted if this will work, but if you're trying to run the solution using a the Nant Msbuild task, you might be able to get away with substituting that for a an exec task that calls the most recent version of msbuild as an executable. For example: <exec program

WATIN tests failing with TimeoutException when run from CruiseControl

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-22 04:57:23
问题 We have a collection of WATIN tests we are using CruiseControl to run every hour. All the tests pass on our local machine - but when they are run using CruiseControl we get sporadic failures. We are using CruiseControl using the command line. We are not using the CruiseControl service. We are using IE8. Before each test is run - we use WATIN to close all instances of the browser to make sure each test is completely isolated. Here is an example of the stack trace we are seeing when the

Handling svn locks / cleanup when using CruiseControl .NET and Subversion

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-21 20:47:03
问题 I am using CruiseControl .NET with the Subversion source control plugin to automatically build our project. Some of the projects are automatically checking for modifications, but occasionally the check fails and CruiseControl .NET marks the project with an "Exception": ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: Working copy 'xxFilename' locked svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details) After this I must

What is the difference between Hudson and CruiseControl for Java projects?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-17 15:10:50
问题 I think the title sums it up. I just want to know why one or the other is better for continous integration builds of Java projects from Svn. 回答1: As a long time CruiseControl committer and someone who has never used Hudson I'm pretty biased, but my take on it is: Hudson is much easier to get up and running (in large part from a nice web interface) and has a very active plugin development community. CruiseControl has support from lots of 3rd party stuff and has the benefit of doing some neat

Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-17 15:02:00
问题 After using Hudson for continuous integration with a prior project, I want to set up a continuous integration server for the iPhone projects I'm working on now. After doing some research it looks like there aren't any CI engines designed specifically for Xcode, but one guy has had success using Cruise Control combined with the xcodebuild CLI tool. Has anyone here tried this? Are there any CI engines that work well with Xcode projects? I'm probably going to give Cruise Control a try. I'll post

Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-17 15:01:43
问题 After using Hudson for continuous integration with a prior project, I want to set up a continuous integration server for the iPhone projects I'm working on now. After doing some research it looks like there aren't any CI engines designed specifically for Xcode, but one guy has had success using Cruise Control combined with the xcodebuild CLI tool. Has anyone here tried this? Are there any CI engines that work well with Xcode projects? I'm probably going to give Cruise Control a try. I'll post

Setting up email notifications on cruise control

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-13 05:15:55
问题 I've just started using cruisecontrol and have setup all the neccessary dependencies like jdk and now i'm running the example project under Projects in the cruisecontrol folder, i would like to sent out emails to myself everytime it runs but when i read through the documentation it tells me that i should configure the emails under the config.xml file which i did like <property name="" value=""/> <property name="" value="Donald Mailula