Phone Identity with Docusign

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-13 04:42:28


I'm looking to build some C# desktop client application that will send out a large number of PDF to sign to a large number of different individual so I'm wondering if the docusign API provide access to automate the Phone identity feature? I was not able to find out the page on their site.


Yes you can access this through the api, the DocuSign Developer Center has pages on the more prevalent features, for full information always check the documentation:

DocuSign API Documentation

You can add a recipient parameter in your request body that sets the idCheckConfigurationName which can be used for an RSA ID check or SMS authentication, and there's also a phoneAuthentication setting which I believe is what you are looking for. The JSON would look something like:

"recipients": { 
     "signers": [{
        "idCheckConfigurationName": "string1",
        "phoneAuthentication": "string2"

where string1 could be ID Check $ for an RSA ID Check or SMS Auth $ for SMS auth for instance, and string2 is actually made up of a boolean and a list which are used to configure the phone authentication. Please see DocuSign's documentation for more info.


To specify phone authentication for a recipient, you need to specify the following properties for the recipient in the Create Envelope request:

   "idCheckConfigurationName": "Phone Auth $",
   "requireIdLookup": "true",
   "phoneAuthentication": {
       "recipMayProvideNumber": "false",
       "senderProvidedNumbers": [

For example, here's a Create Envelope request that specifies phone authentication for the first (and only) recipient.

POST https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes

   "status" : "sent",
   "emailBlurb":"Test Email Body",
   "emailSubject": "-- Test Email Subject --",
   "recipients": {
       "signers" : [
           "email": "",
           "name": "Bob Adamson",
           "idCheckConfigurationName": "Phone Auth $",
           "requireIdLookup": "true",
           "phoneAuthentication": {
               "recipMayProvideNumber": "false",
               "senderProvidedNumbers": [
           "recipientId": "1",
           "routingOrder": "1",
           "tabs": {
               "signHereTabs": [
                   "recipientId": "1",
                   "tabLabel": "Customer_Signature",
                   "documentId": "1",
                   "pageNumber": "1",
                   "xPosition": "99",
                   "yPosition": "424"
               "dateSignedTabs": [
                   "recipientId": "1",
                   "tabLabel": "Customer_Date",
                   "documentId": "1",
                   "pageNumber": "1",
                   "xPosition": "373",
                   "yPosition": "456"
   "documents": [
       "name": "TestDocAPI.pdf",
       "documentId": 1,
       "documentBase64": "BASE_64_ENCODED_DOCUMENT_BYTE_STREAM"

This is just one example -- the properties you set under the phoneAuthentication object may differ depending on your specific requirements. See the DocuSign REST API Guide ( for information about additional properties available under phoneAuthentication.

