Showing or hiding elements based on variables in controller - Ionic

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-12 14:06:19


For all I know this might be more an AngularJS issue than an Ionic specific one. I have a button in one of my views:

<button class="button button-clear button-block button-positive" ui-sref="register">

And in my controller I have this variable that I get from local storage that is either true or false and has to be hidden depending that the value is:

app.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$localstorage',
  function($scope, $localstorage) {

  // Check if the user has already requested a register, and if true, hide
  // the 'Register' button
  if ($localstorage.get("registrationRequested", false) === true) {
    // How do I do this?


Now the first question probably is, is it even a best practice to manipulate the dom like that from my controller? And if not, where and how do I do it? If its' fine doing it in my controller, then how do I reference that button and hide it?


Add a ng-hide directive to your button tag:

<button ng-hide=registered class="button button-clear button-block button-positive" ui-sref="register">

In your JS file, declare this value in your $scope to false and set it to true to hide the button:

app.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$localstorage',
    function($scope, $localstorage) {
        $scope.registered = false;

        // Check if the user has already requested a register, and if true, hide
        // the 'Register' button
        if ($localstorage.get("registrationRequested", false) === true) {
            $scope.registered = true;


do as following :

<button class="button button-clear button-block button-positive" ui-sref="register" ng-show='showBtn'>

in controller :

app.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$localstorage',
  function($scope, $localstorage) {
  if ($localstorage.get("registrationRequested", false) === true) {
     $scope.showBtn = true;
     $scope.showBtn = false;


You should use data-ng-hide to hide or show. After setting it to true or false you have to apply the scope settings like this : $scope.$apply();


you can use ng-if also to show the button as:

<button class="button button-bar button-positive" ng-if="resgisterBtn" ui-sref="register">Register</button>

in controller:

 app.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$localstorage',
      function($scope, $localstorage) {
    if ($localstorage.get("registrationRequested", false) === true) {
         $scope.resgisterBtn = true;
         $scope.resgisterBtn = false;

The difference between ng-show & ng-if is ng-show will keep the element alive in DOM but ng-if will do opposite

