is there a way of installing therubyracer in windows?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-12 13:00:08


Is there a way of installing therubyracer gem i.e required to run a RoR project in windows?

I've tried normal way, but it wouldn't and then i tried installing cygwin and then tried installing gem, but still no luck,

Anyone successful in installing this in windows? I can even try the hard methods also (if there're any possible solutions)


I used therubyracer_for_windows. It works for me.


If you need a JS runtime for asset compilation (and other tasks), on Windows it's perfectly safe to simply omit the gem in your Gemfile.

Windows already has a JS runtime, and as far as I am aware, Rails makes use of it when it detects it.

Have a look at the description here, I think you will find it informative.

