How do I get IzPack to add program to Program and Features

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-12 09:41:59


I'm using IzPack 5.0 beta 11 to package up my Java application.

How do I get a program installed using IzPack on Windows to appear in Program and Features as an installed program?

EDIT I've found some information about putting things in the registry with Izpack 5 but Im still struggling to understand quite what I do the documentation is vague. I simply want my program to be shown in Programs and Features, and it be possible to uninstall from there.


So I found this page, the documentation is a bit outdated for Izpack 5 beta 11 but eventually worked out all I needed to get it working on a 32-bit installtion was add the following to my install.xml

   <native type="3rdparty" name="COIOSHelper.dll" stage="both">

    <listener classname="RegistryInstallerListener" stage="install"/>
    <listener classname="RegistryUninstallerListener" stage="uninstall"/>

and for 64 bit:

   <native type="3rdparty" name="COIOSHelper_x64.dll" stage="both">

    <listener classname="RegistryInstallerListener" stage="install"/>
    <listener classname="RegistryUninstallerListener" stage="uninstall"/>

Giving the following advantages:

  • I dont get asked if it installed properly after installation.
  • It is listed in Program and Features
  • It can be uninstalled from Program and Features


Alternative: Install the app. using Java Web Start. JWS can not only install desktop icons and start menu items for Java apps. on any platform that supports them (I.E. 'not just Windows'), but also puts them in the "Programs and Features" dialog as seen below for "Star Zoom Animation".

