
Can I install a file using Izpack 5 without it being part of the install.jar built by izpack

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-04 08:07:12
问题 My installation widget.zip zipfile contains the following: 32bitJava install.jar widgetinstaller.exe widgetinstaller.ini widgetinstaller.ico To summarize: 32bitJava is a 32bit JRE downloaded from Oracle install.jar is the installer created by Izpack widgetinstaller.* are created by winrun4j providing an exe wrapper for the installer. So with this setup I can install my application without user having to have a java runtime already installed. However once installed the actual application also

How to get IzPack tocheck for an existing version of the software?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-21 17:21:18
问题 I have an application for which we use IzPack to create the installer. The installer is working fine in its current state, however, I need to add functionality that enables it to check whether an existing version of the software has been installed. I understand IzPack supports this out of the box using its CheckedHelloPanel, unfortunately that only works for Windows, as it appears to depend on the windows registry. Is there a way to configure IzPack such that it is able to detect existing

izpack: Create shortcut on windows 7

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-18 09:14:49
问题 I use izpack to create an installer for my application. So far I was able to create the installer and on my linux machine everything is fine. The problem is that on the windows machines I tested it on (Win7 6bits) the installer did not show the shortcut panel. I did read the documentation troubleshooting section and took care that I have the natives in my installer. Same goes for the shortcut xml file, they are in the installer in the resources path. I also read that most likely it is a case

Izpack: Validator doesn't work?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-13 16:07:15
问题 I have a field description in my "UserInputSpec.xml" file. <field type="radio" variable="selected.source" > <description align="left" txt="Please select TBPAPIIntegrator data source:" id="combo.text" /> <spec> <choice txt="IMKB Server" id="combo.item.imkb" value="imkb"/> <choice txt="Exernal Database" id="combo.item.database" value="db"/> </spec> <validator class="com.j32bit.installer.validator.SelectSourceValidator" txt="Please select one source!" > <param name="selected.source" value="$

How do I get IzPack to add program to Program and Features

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-12 09:41:59
问题 I'm using IzPack 5.0 beta 11 to package up my Java application. How do I get a program installed using IzPack on Windows to appear in Program and Features as an installed program? EDIT I've found some information about putting things in the registry with Izpack 5 http://docs.codehaus.org/display/IZPACK/registry but Im still struggling to understand quite what I do the documentation is vague. I simply want my program to be shown in Programs and Features, and it be possible to uninstall from

Execute script after installation in izpack

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-10 20:22:07
问题 I have made jar file which contanins jboss and I want to start my web application when jar extracts and installed completly on my machine. where should i write script or code or xml tag in izpack so that after installing the application standalone.sh run automatically and my jboss run in the background and my application deployed successfully 回答1: Just in case somebody stumbles upon this thread as i just did: You can include an "executable" element in your install "pack" element which will

izPack creates an uninstaller that doesn't work in Windows “Programs and Features”

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-10 16:45:06
问题 I'm working on a graphic installer for a java project using izPack 4.3.4, the installation goes well but when I try to uninstall it by clicking on his reference in "Programs and Features" window it shows the message: Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\Program Files (x86)\myproject\uninstaller\uninstaller.jar The fact is that I choosed to put and rename the uninstaller in the root install path of my program and not in \uninstaller dir. See the XML: <info> ... <uninstaller name="uninstall.jar"

Calling Java classes from IzPack

久未见 提交于 2019-12-09 10:29:00
问题 How do you invoke a method from a Java class from IzPack? Static methods are OK, and I need to be able to pass it parameters. Thank you! Background info: I am trying to write an IzPack installer which is able to detect a previously installed versions of the application. After finding out that it doesn't really support this feature (except in Windows), I think the only way to do this is through writing a Java class and calling it from IzPack. Tim Williscroft has previously suggested this

izpack-maven-plugin is not including native libraries by default

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-07 23:54:49
问题 I have specified the standard shortcut-generating natives in my installation XML file: <natives> <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink_x64.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="WinSetupAPI.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="WinSetupAPI_x64.dll"/> </natives> However, when I run izpack:izpack and run the resultant jar, it hangs on the shortcutPanel saying it can't locate the library. When I copy the .dll's into the same directory it works. Any idea how

izpack-maven-plugin is not including native libraries by default

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-06 14:27:59
I have specified the standard shortcut-generating natives in my installation XML file: <natives> <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink_x64.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="WinSetupAPI.dll"/> <native type="izpack" name="WinSetupAPI_x64.dll"/> </natives> However, when I run izpack:izpack and run the resultant jar, it hangs on the shortcutPanel saying it can't locate the library. When I copy the .dll's into the same directory it works. Any idea how I can specify that the files be included into the final jar? for IzPack 4 you must not use a wrapper