Disable uglyfying in r.js

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-12 07:32:55


I am looking for a way to prevent r.js (RequireJS' optimization script) from ugylyfying our JS-modules to maintain readability for debugging purposes. I expect the script (running on Node.js by the way) to have some command line option to be passed. Unfortunately, the documentation if this tool is rather poor.


Pass optimize=none on the command line to r.js, or include optimize: "none" in your build script.


    baseUrl: ".",
    paths: {
        jquery: "some/other/jquery"
    name: "main",
    out: "main-built.js",
    optimize: "none"

See http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html for more information.

If you check the source, you will see that the default is set to "uglify". Here are the options which are accepted:

  • uglify: (default) uses UglifyJS to minify the code.
  • uglify2: in version 2.1.2+. Uses UglifyJS2.
  • closure: uses Google's Closure Compiler in simple optimization mode to minify the code. Only available if running the optimizer using Java.
  • closure.keepLines: Same as closure option, but keeps line returns in the minified files.
  • none: no minification will be performed.

