I am sharing an audio recording via the UIActivityViewController. When the audio file shares via email or iMessage, it shows the underlying name of the audio file without any apparent way of changing it.
NSArray *activityItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.audioPlayer.url, nil];
UIActivityViewController *avc = [[UIActivityViewController alloc]
[self presentViewController:avc
animated:YES completion:nil];
If I don't use the UIActivityViewController and just use MFMessageComposeViewController directly, than I can use
[composer addAttachmentURL:self.audioPlayer.url withAlternateFilename:@"Piano Song.m4a"];
Is it possible to have an alternate file name with the UIActivityViewController?
You can create a hard link to the file (so that you don't have to copy the actual file) with any name you want in the temporary directory and pass it to the UIActivityViewController
instead of the file.
- (NSURL *)createLinkToFileAtURL:(NSURL *)fileURL withName:(NSString *)fileName {
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
// create a path in the temp directory with the fileName
NSURL *tempDirectoryURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] temporaryDirectory];
NSURL *linkURL = [tempDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:fileName];
// if the link already exists, delete it
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:linkURL.path]) {
NSError *error;
[fileManager removeItemAtURL:linkURL error:&error];
if (error) {
// handle the error
// create a link to the file
NSError *error;
BOOL flag = [fileManager linkItemAtURL:fileURL toURL:linkURL error:&error];
if (!flag || error) {
// handle the error
return linkURL;
Use it like this:
NSURL *fileURL = ...;
NSString *desiredName = ...;
NSURL *linkURL = [self createLinkToFileAtURL:fileURL withName:desiredName];
UIActivityViewController *viewController = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:@[linkURL] applicationActivities:nil];
[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];
Hope this helps! Good luck!
No, not possible. Could you not just rename the file before sharing it?