Faced with this problem, when you select an image from the album comes not click on the image. At point pressure also occurs. What to do?
used:[tester choosePhotoInAlbum:@"Moments" atRow:0 column:0]; As well as: [tester tapScreenAtPoint:CGPointMake(47, 150)];
I was trying to figure this out as well.
Solved it by adding a [tester waitForTimeInterval:1]
before [tester tapScreenAtPoint:CGPointMake(47, 150)]
Like this:
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Camera Roll"]; //Album Name
[tester waitForTimeInterval:1];
[tester tapScreenAtPoint:CGPointMake(47, 150)];
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Choose"];