I have the following VB code :
Set QuoteRequest = Quotes.Add
With QuoteRequest
.No = 1
End With
I use JACOB to access that COM object.
quoteRequest.setProperty("Code(0)", "NAME1");
quoteRequest.setProperty("Code(1)", "NAME2");
But this leads to exception
com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Can't map to dispid: QuoteCode(0)
How can I pass that property?
import com.jacob.com.*;
import com.jacob.activeX.*;
static void setProperty(Dispatch d, String sName, String sIndex, String sValue) {
Variant av[] = { new Variant(sIndex), new Variant(sValue) };
Dispatch.invokev(d, sName, Dispatch.Put, av, NO_INT_ARGS).safeRelease();
av[0].safeRelease(); av[1].safeRelease();
That's the code I used. Works for me, however I was doing some changes to Jacob, to force garbaging of unused variants. Hard to say what I exactly did, it was years ago :)