I have a small R script that loads in a comma-separated file with data and displays it as a scatterplot. I can also identify individual points of interest in the scatterplot by hovering over them with the mouse. This is cool but what I also want is to draw a rectangle over an area in the scatterplot, and get a list with the IDs of the data points within that rectangle. (The final goal of this is a shiny app).
I.e. how can I make it so that I can a) draw a rectangle, b) get the points within that rectangle and c) display that list for the end-user in a form that can be copied and pasted?
Here is a working example (using mtcars
instead of y csv-file):
mtc <- mtcars
mtc$id <- 1:nrow(mtc)
all_values <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
row <- mtc[mtc$id == x$id, ]
paste0(names(row), ": ", format(row), collapse = "<br />")
mtc %>% ggvis(x = ~wt, y = ~mpg, key := ~id) %>%
layer_points() %>%
add_tooltip(all_values, "hover")
What you are (probably) looking for are the plot_brush
-functions of the shiny
-package (you find an example here at the Shiny Gallery).
The following will provide 2 apps, that are built on top of each other to answer your 3 questions:
1 Drawing a rectangle with plot_brush
This can be achieved with this code:
server <- function(input, output) {
# render the plot
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp)
# set the options for the brush technique
output$plotui <- renderUI({
plotOutput("plot1", height=300,
brush = brushOpts(id = "plot_brush")
ui <- fluidPage(
# render the plot
# run the app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
2 & 3 Identifying the points and printing a datatable
Using and extending part 1 we identify the points and load them into a data.frame called res
and then load them into a datatable (using the 'DT'-package):
server <- function(input, output) {
# render the plot
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp)
# set the options for the brush technique
output$plotui <- renderUI({
plotOutput("plot1", height=300,
brush = brushOpts(id = "plot_brush")
# for part 2 and 3
output$plot_brushed_points <- renderDataTable({
df <- mtcars
# this function gets the data for you
res <- brushedPoints(df, input$plot_brush, "mpg","disp")
# mpg = name of x variable, disp = name of y variable
# puts the results in a datatable format
ui <- fluidPage(
# render the plot
# renders the datatable
# run the app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This gives something like this:
This question on Stackoverflow will point you in the right direction for the mouseover.
Here's a simple example using the locator()
# function
loc.box <- function(x,y){
print("choose bottom left corner")
p1 <- locator(1)
print("choose top right corner")
p2 <- locator(1)
rect(p1$x, p1$y, p2$x, p2$y, border=3, col=rgb(0,1,0,0.1))
incl <- which(
x >= p1$x &
x <= p2$x &
y >= p1$y &
y <= p2$y
# data
n <- 100
x <- runif(n)
y <- runif(n)
# plot and select
op <- par(ps=9, mar=c(4,4,1,1))
plot(x, y, pch=20, cex=0.3)
text(x, y, labels=seq(x), pos=3)
res <- loc.box(x,y)
# [1] 2 8 14 19 23 26 31 36 40 42 51 53 63 75