AbstractProcessor, how to claim for annotations which target is another annotation?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-12 03:03:41


Given this annotation:

public @interface Interceptor {
  Class<? extends Behaviour> value();


The users of my library can extend its API creating custom annotations annotated with @Interceptor, as follows:

public @interface Bypass {

AbstractProcessor provides a method called getSupportedAnnotationTypes which returns the names of the annotation types supported by the processor. But if I specify the name of @Interceptor, as follows:

 @Override public Set<String> getSupportedAnnotationTypes() {
    Set<String> annotations = new LinkedHashSet();
    return annotations;

The processor#process method will not be notified when a class is annotated with @Bypass annotation.

So, when using an AbstractProcessor, how to claim for annotations which target is another annotation?


If your annotation processor is scanning for all annotations that are meta-annotated with your annotation, you'll need to specify "*" for your supported annotation types, and then inspect each annotation's declaration (using ProcessingEnvironment.getElements() to determine whether it has the meta-annotation of interest.


You should use the @SupportedAnnotationTypes annotation on your processor, and not override the getSupportedAnnotationTypes() method, for example:

public class AnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {

The Processor.getSupportedAnnotationTypes() method can construct its result from the value of this annotation, as done by AbstractProcessor.getSupportedAnnotationTypes().



