I have a Spatial Point DF spo
(covering an irregular shaped area of interest). The data are not on a regular grid due to crs transformation.
My goal is a raster with predefined resolution and extent of the area of interest ( more spatial point data are to be mapped on this master raster) .
Problems start when I
rasterize(spo, raster(ncol, nrow, extent, crs), spo$param)
I need to adjust nrow
and ncol
in a way so that I wont get moire patterns of NAs within my area of interest. I can't use a predefined (higher) resolution, since rasterize
has no interpolation capabilities.
As a solution to this, I thought I might need some kind of Spatial Pixel DF spi
, that covers my whole area of interest (just like meuse.grid in library(raster); data(meuse.grid)
), and serves as a master grid. Then, I can use it to interpolate my data, e.g.
and by this, get full cover of my area of interest at my chosen resolution. But how can a SpatialPixelsDataFrame be produced from the point data?
So in my view, the question boils down to: How to produce meuse.grid from meuse dataset?
Maybe I'm taking the wrong approach here, so please let me know if more easily can achieved what I'm after, using a different way.
If you have a polygon that defines the boundary of your region of interest, (which you should), then it is straight forward. One approach is to use the polygrid
function from geoR
, which itself is just a wrapper for SpatialPoints
, expand.grid
and overlay
Lets assume that you have a polygon that defines your region of interest called called ROI
In this case I will create one from meuse.grid
coordinates(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
x <- chull(meuse.grid@coords)
borders <- meuse.grid@coords[c(x,x[1]),]
ROI <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(borders)), ID = 'border')))
In reality, to use polygrid
you only need the coordinates of the polygon that define your region of interest.
To create 10-m grid covering the area of this ROI you can create a call to polygrid
# get the bounding box for ROI an convert to a list
bboxROI <- apply(bbox(ROI), 1, as.list)
# create a sequence from min(x) to max(x) in each dimension
seqs <- lapply(bboxROI, function(x) seq(x$min, x$max, by= 10))
# rename to xgrid and ygrid
names(seqs) <- c('xgrid','ygrid')
thegrid <- do.call(polygrid,c(seqs, borders = list(ROI@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)))